{04} Chiquita Suelta

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“Did you guys repeat that to each other this morning? She said the same fucking thing!”  Charlie gagged.

“Maybe, I was just making sure… I didn’t do anything wrong” he sighed, rubbing his eyes.

“Trust me, you didn’t” he snorted, “She sounded like she was enjoying herself”


“What? She's so fucking loud, bro. I could hear her from the kitchen” he said, “Which reminds me… get up, we have a house to clean before dad comes tomorrow and we have school tomorrow too, so it’s now or never” Gilbert groaned but got up either way.


Gilbert was considering killing his brother when he saw the house, at least the kitchen and part of the living room were clean, but the backyard, the game room, and the second-floor hallway was like watching the set of a scary movie. They decided Gilbert would finish cleaning inside the house and Charlie would clean the backyard and the pool, which looked like a swamp; he had to take all the trash out of the pool, which was a lot, before he could turn the filter on to clean the water, he was glad he could use the hose to clean the floor around the pool and also clean the grass.

Gilbert found a few pairs of underwear around the house and in places he did not want to even imagine how they got there, and also found his lost hairbrush under one of the couch’s cushions. Thankfully, nothing from the house was broken, he got scared when he saw some glass on the floor of the game room, but it turned out to be a bottle of vodka some dumbass dropped and it shattered all over the floor. He was just finishing with the game room and was heading towards the kitchen for a drink when his phone vibrated.

Anne (3) messages

Oh my god, he thought and ran to the backyard. “Anne texted me!”


“What do I say?”

“What did she say?”

“I don’t know I haven’t read it”

“Then read it, idiot!”




Wanna hang out today?

“She asked if I wanted to hang out today,” Gilbert said, excited. “What do I say?”

“Do you want to-”


“Then say yes”

“But how”


“I know how to spell yes, Charlie!”

“Then do it”

“I’m nervous”

Charlie groaned, “Give me that,” he said, taking his brother’s phone.


My place 8pm?

“What did you say?” Gilbert asked and Charlie turned the phone to show him, “Charlie! I sound like a fuckboy!”

“You are”

“I’m not”


SMALL TALK | ShirbertOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz