"I don't think anyone can be better than you are," Marie reminded Nora, who simply smiled in response, "Your name is spoken by people all over Christendom."

"And perhaps, one day yours will be, too," Nora answered, wrapping an arm around the girl, "One day, I think the whole world will know and love you, Marie of Burgundy. More than they ever loved me. You might not see it, but I dare say you could be far better than I ever was. You can do better. Just like I was, you were born to a powerful family, but yours is even more powerful. Your father is the Holy Roman Emperor. Your brother is the Duke of Burgundy and he is married to the daughter of the two most powerful monarchs in Europe. And one day, if we win, your cousin, George, will be King of England. You will be far more powerful than anyone may want to admit."

Marie stared up at Nora, her eyes widening in amazement. "But all your power can't come from who you're related to or married to. Remember that. You must have some in your own right. And I'm not talking about lands and titles. I'm talking about what's in here," Nora paused, pointing her finger to Marie's head.

"And what's in here," Nora continued on, placing her hand over Marie's heart, "You have a big heart, Marie. However, sometimes, it's necessary to use your head instead of your heart. In a way, that's where I always failed. You must do better than I ever was and you must be better."

"I will," Marie replied, nodding her head as she stared up at Nora, "I promise."

Nora smiled, wrapping her arm around Marie as they walked out of the room together.


The following day, Maggie was standing outside in the courtyard, playing in the snow with her son. Her eyes widened, however, when she turned her head to see Lizbeth approaching her.

She immediately curtsied, despite feeling uneasy about Lizbeth being there. It couldn't mean anything good.

"The boy will be allowed to see his wife this evening," Lizbeth informed Maggie, refusing to address him as her brother, "This is no trick, Maggie. I swear it. You wanted me to act and I am acting. Here is the key."

Maggie felt uneasy as Lizbeth held the key to the King's Wardrobe to her. What had changed her mind?

Anxiously, she took the key from Lizbeth's grasp. She watched her closely, noticing how Lizbeth glanced over at little Henry before back at her.

"My mother tried to poison Henry," Lizbeth informed Maggie in a calm tone, "It's why he lashed out. It's a certain poison my mother used to have. She told me all about it once, but never used it before. Now, she has. She used it on Henry. She wanted to show me that despite being King, Henry is not invincible. He can be ripped off his throne, just like Arthur was. And King Henry before him. It was meant to be a warning and I am to take it seriously if I want my family to live."

"Lizbeth—" Maggie began to say, only to be cut off as Lizbeth turned on her heel and walked away without another word said.


That evening, while everyone was asleep, Maggie traveled to the King's Wardrobe, where she found George lying near the fire, beaten bloody.

"George. Oh, God!" She whispered softly as she rushed to kneel before his body.

George weakly lifted his head to stare up at her, but he was unable to see who it was through her swollen eyes.

"It's Maggie," She informed him calmly and he nodded his head in understanding.

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