Knock Knock its the devil

Start from the beginning


Deku turns to look at bakugo and gives him a dead look

Deku turns to look at bakugo and gives him a dead look

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Just make his hair green

Deku:yes katsuki?

Everyone gasps as their used to him saying "kacchan"

Bakugo:you've been tricking me this entire time haven't you? I bet you we're laughing behind my back and only pretending to be weak.

Deku:no. I was only thinking about how I would start U.A.

Bakugo is angered

Deku:(puts his finger on his chin)maybe I'll make friends there. Maybe I'll find someone to love.

That last part pisses off bakugo and he grabs deku by the collar

Bakugo:(igniting his sweat)WHO THE HELL WOULD LOVE A VILLAIN LIKE YOU?

Deku:(getting out of his grip and turning around)oh I see I'M the villain. Who's the one who bullied several people,beat the weak. And told me to jump off the roof.

Bakugo looks shocked

Deku:if there's a villain in this room.

Deku:if there's a villain in this room

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Replace the U.A outfit with his middle school uniform and make his eyes black and red

Deku:its you.

With that they begin class



Diablo:I sense fear and anxiety but mostly sadness.

Deku:*its not me*.

Diablo:I think it's your classmates.

Deku:*I can get fear and anxiety but what's with sadness*?

Diablo:I think they regret bullying you.

Deku:*maybe*. *I'll ask some of them after class*.

Class ends and deku approaches a group of 3 guys and 2 girls

Deku:hey. I've been meaning to ask you all something.

Boy1:oh-oh w-what's t-t-t-that izuku?

Deku:I can sense emotions and from everyone in the room except 1 I could sense fear,anxiety and surprisingly sadness. Why is that?

The group goes quiet then a girl speaks up

Girl1:we're so sorry for the way we treated you. We were just scared what would happen to us if we spoke up especially to bakugo. I know you may not forgive us but. We never ment to hurt you.

They all bow asking for forgiveness

Deku:*that's why they didn't treat me as bad as bakugo*. You know I'm very tempted to not forgive you. But I guess I'm to nice a guy. So I forgive you.

They all look at him with a shocked but glad expression on their faces

Girl2:(runs up to deku and hugs him)thank you for giving us a second chance.

Deku smiles

Deku:hey like I said I'm to nice.

The girl lets go and suggest that they eat

Girl2:hey when did your quirk manifest?

Deku:you know the villain red death?

Boy2:yeah why- oh shit.

Deku:yeah I knocked him out. I think I almost killed him.

They all look at him completely shocked and terrified

Deku:then again I don't remember what exactly happened. Thank god heroes were chasing him.

Time skip to the U.A entrance exam

Deku appears out of nowhere behind mina



She turns around to see deku and punches him in the stomach

Mina:don't do that again.

Deku:yeah yeah yeah. It's just fun.


Deku:come on we're going to be late.

Deku runs off and mina follows him but then deku sees a girl about to fall on her face so he extends a tendril to stop her and goes to calm her down since she doesn't feel the tendril

?:AH what's going on?!

Deku:sorry. Look at your back.

She does and sees the tendril

?:oh phew.

Deku gets her upright and detaches the tendril from her back

Mina:hey midoriya we need to go!

Deku:ah crap right. Hey see ya.

?:bye. My name is ochako uraraka.

Deku:oh how rude of me izuku midoriya.

They all run together and end up in the hero course exam explanation(I have no f**king idea what to call it)

Present mic comes out and explains the written exam then proceeds to explain the practical exam but then he interrupted by a boy with blue hair,glasses,and is kinda tall but not to deku(he's 6,7)

?:I have a question.

Present mic:HIT ME!

?:you said there they're are 3 robots but on this form they're are 4 if this is a mistake by the school you should be ashamed.

Before present mic can answer

Deku:hey glasses how bout you let the man finish instead of interrupting him.

Present mic:thank you big listener.

The blue haired boy sits down ashamed

They begin the written exam and deku finishes in 12 minutes and is catching up on sleep for the rest of the time

Deku is awoken 20 minutes later by ashido

Mina:hey it's time for the practical exam.

They are given cards saying their in the same test area but they decide to not group up

Deku:hey good luck.

Mina:I was about to tell you the same.

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