1. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐨

Beginne am Anfang

Although, nezuko was with you, she stayed mostly to herself, or just talk to you by brief glances or gestures. Which you found to be so adorable, usually she would stay in her childlike size, peaking out of her box to see if you were still there. You were surprised to learn that nezuko had been turned into a demon, although kinda agitated, you trusted tanjiro when he said she wouldn't attack any humans, so far, both of you had a decent sister's like relationship.

Tanjiro said, she wanted to stay with you, as a mean to give you company when you're lonely, but after a few days, you were aware that wasn't.. the case, take a few steps towards the entrance and she's there without so much as making a sound. Astonished, you would not have any words to give as an excuse, before she'll drag you back to your room.

Hearing the front door being unlocked, you snap out of your thoughts, quickly pulling the curtains to hide the window. Taking in a deep breath, you walked out of your room, looking at tanjiro as his back faced you, you blinked, stepping towards him. When he notices your presence, he turns around appearing quite happy. He smiles wide, gazing with love filled eyes, and your taken aback for a second. "Welcome back.." you said.

"I'm home! How have you been y/n?" He said while still holding on to his contagious smile.

"Um- I'm good, you got cuts on your face, was the mission.. okay?" You asked. Opening his eyes for a moment, he lets his smile fall for a second before hastily putting it on.

"Uh- no! I got a little clumsy!" He replied, rubbing the back of his neck, whilst giving a awkward smile.

You briefly stared at him, suddenly wondering if it was a good time to ask him if you could leave.

"Oh, I could clean them up for you?" You said.

"Really!? Thank you!" He gave a stunned expression at first, swiftly it turned into joy.

You sat before him, holding a piece of cloth in your hand, gently rubbing it on his skin, you felt a little uncomfortable as tanjiro lovingly looked at you, with so much love. His lips stretched into a board smile, as you finished cleaning his wounds. "Thanks again y/n."

You nod, returning back a smile. Tanjiro got up but stopped when you caught his wrist into a tight grip, looking up at him nervously, you forced yourself to smile. "Um.. uh- I wanted to talk with you.. about something." You said, upon noticing his questioning glance.

"Oh, sure. What is it?" He asked, settling back into his seat. You bit your lips, feeling nervous about the way he would react this time, moving your gaze up, you started to talk, "I was hoping if I could leave anytime soon." You said it in a single breath.

"Leave..?" He ceased. Deeply staring back at you, your heartbeat accelerated, leaving you to wonder if he could hear, or in his case, smell your growing discomfort. You threw your glance down, drawing in quiet impatient inhales.

"Yeah, I'm fine now, I can take care of myself, I.. I-I just don't wanna burden you. You have your own life, and I don't wanna intervene-"

"You're not, don't worry about it! I'm glad to have you here with us! Me and nezuko are happy to have you here, so please don't think that way." He replied, grabbing your hand into his, grasping it gently. You gulped, thinking for a moment. "I like it when you're here with us! That way I know you're safe!!"

"But i-" you spoke only to be cut off by tanjiro. He widens his eyes, clutching on your hand a little tighter, his smile abruptly seeming forced.

"Please let's not talk about it anymore. You know what happened to you, the world isn't safe right now y/n.. it's not safe, so it's best if you stay here, you wouldn't have to worry about-"

"No-! As much as I'd like to- I can't-"

"Why not!?" He raised his voice at the end, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Do you want to die by the hands of a demon?! They're everywhere y/n! So I can't let you go anywhere without me!!"

Silenced by his sudden outburst, you stare at him, comprehending his words. "T-this isn't right. You can't force me to stay without my consent." You choked those words out.

"You don't want to be here.?" His eyes grow wide, stunned by your reply. You stay still, trying hard to understand what's going on in his head, thinking to yourself, if you had said something wrong.

Abruptly, his grip on your hand grows tight. Very tight, "but I can't let you leave y/n.. I don't want you to die. Not without me by your side." He said in a serious tone.

"I can't let you leave.. I won't let you leave.. "

"Even if I have to lock you up for that."

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