Chapter 1: Day off

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"You'll wish you didn't do that big monster thing!"

"Double kick in the face!"

"You've been MI-KO'D!"

"Miiikkkooo, your stupid boyfriend is here"

Miko took the Virtual Reality headgear off and jumped over the back of the couch, "He's not my boyfriend" She yelled back to her sister Lexi as she dashed to the door. The door slammed open and Five stood in the doorway, a game in his hand. "Did you bring it!?" Miko shouted at Five, shaking his shoulders violently. 

"TA-DA!" Five lifted the game 'Gross Out' into the air as Miko's eyes turned into stars, "Phil already checked it as well, it is glitch free!" He stated, proudly putting his hands on his hips. "EEK, finally we can play it without some ugly monster thing chasing us!" Miko grabbed Five's hand and bolted upstairs to her room.

Both Glitch Techs sat on Miko's bed with the TV in front of them, "Choose your character!" The controllers were clutched in their hands on Five turned to Miko with a grin, "You got your game face on?" Miko smirked at him, putting both hands on his shoulder, "It's the only face I got!" 

"Ew that things so gross!"

"Check this out Five, I can do a triple jump!"

"Miko to your left!"

"The Miko and Five combo, let's smash this nasty monster into PIECES!"

Ms Kubota came in halfway through there gameplay with a bowl of crisps, "Hope you guys aren't to busy for some food" Miko and Five paused their game and pounced on the bowl of crisps after Miko's mom finally left. "Do you think tomorrow we'll get some real butt kicking missions?" Five asked, shoving a crisp in his mouth.

"There better be some real nasty glitches, last time we had to defeat a weird little goblin glitch, it didn't even fight us, just tried to play hide and seek" They both shivered, remembering how they spent hours trying to find the glitch in the arcade. Miko leant back on her bed and she placed her feet on Five's lap.

Five's face went a bit red and he looked at her with a pout, "When did I become your personal chair?" Miko just shrugged and stole a handful of crisps from the bowl. "Hey, you got the new Hinobi Virtual Reality headgear!" Five got up and picked the headset off the ground, "What games have you got?" 

"Oh you know...the usual, zombies and dinosaurs" Miko smirked and then said slyly "Why don't you try this new game I got?" Five knew exactly what that smirk meant but he couldn't say 'no' to the purple haired girl. "S-Sure!" He stuttered nervously as a headgear was placed on his face and Miko patted him on the shoulder.

"3...2...1, game on!" 

Miko sat on the chair with the nearly empty bowl of chips on her lap as she couldn't hold in her fits of laughter. "Miko what is this, the hallways are just empty" Five asked, confused. Turning his head to where he thought the girl was. "That's the game doofus, just keep moving forwards" Miko yelled reassuringly, although it came out a bit slurred and didn't sound the least bit reassuring.

"Miko, what is this....AHHHHHHHHH!" Five shrieked in horror as a face appeared in the hallway and Miko stood up to go towards him, she was laughing like crazy. "HAHAHAHHA, you should have seen your face!" 



Miko was on the floor in hysterics, she wiped the tears springing from her eyes but she stopped immediately as she felt to hands wrap around her waist. Five clung onto Miko for dear life, this made Miko blush madly. She hadn't expected him to have this much of a bad reaction to the game, but even she had to admit it was a bit cruel.

Luckily, Five couldn't see the red tint on Miko's face as she awkwardly patted his hair, "Oh come on you big baby, it's not that bad" Then Five shook Miko by the shoulders, "Not that BAD, Miko this is like paranormal activity!" Miko was dizzy and she just laughed, "Okay, OKAY I'm taking the headgear off"

When Miko took the headgear off, she noticed how close they were, Five was still clutching onto Miko desperately as she shook her head to get the blush of her cheeks. After the headgear was taken off, Five cried out in joy, "OH SWEET WORLD HOW I MISSED YOU!" As he fell to the floor and hugged it.

"HAHAHA, that was the best!" Miko laughed, holding her stomach as Five got up and threw a crisp at her face. "Maybe for you but there was ghosts chasing me!" Five shivered, looking around the room skeptically. "I'm sorrryyy, it was really funny though, don't hate me!" Miko put her arms around five and gave him her 'puppy eyes'.

'She's adorable...' Five thought, but his eyes widened when he realised what came into his mind. "I could never hate you Miko!" He ruffled her hair and Miko grinned, "Of course you couldn't, I'm probably the most likeable person ever!" They both laughed out loud, arms still around each other and they both thought the same thing.

'What is this feeling, it's like butterflies in my stomach?'

Soon it was the end of the day and Miko was groaning because Five had to leave already, "I have to help pack away the van for the day, see you in work tomorrow!" Five yelled, as he got on his bicycle and rode off, leaving Miko on the front doorstep waving.

"You totally like him" Lexi said, Miko just shut the door and went upstairs.

*later that night in Miko's PoV*

I checked the clock and it was already 11:30pm. God, I was meant to be asleep by 10pm, just these thoughts are keeping me awake. The way he hugged me, and I felt something, was it couldn't possibly be...Am I in love with Five? I shoved my face into my pillow and groaned, I'd never been in love with anybody before! 

Whose to say I love him anyway, I could just really like him as a friend. Every time he says my name, I just want him to say it more. When he hugs me, I never want to let go. 'Oh my glitch, I really am in love with High Five'.

*later that night in Five's PoV*

This was ridiculous! How on earth did I manage to let this happen? She's just my partner for work, just my work partner, nothing more! Nothing more, 'yeah right keep telling yourself that' my thoughts were now going against me at this point. 

Her enthusiasm every time I walk into work, the smile plastered on her face makes me smile. Us defeating glitches together, working together and then the way she's always so clingy. I love it. I love her. Oh crap, crap, crap. 'I really am in love with Miko Kubota'.

𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐬 Miko + FiveWhere stories live. Discover now