Doubt loyalty

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They said it's over
My words cry to tell
It's over
Is it really?
With you I've questioned
Questioned if the balance is right
And if it measures what it holds
With you I can't be break
Can I without then?
I won't talk time
About what we don't have
What did we have?
This weak this fragile
But was it really?
I know I've given you
Something you won't get with anybody
I've given myself and I'm one
I've given you no one will
I've been back again to you
Like you hold the earth
Like the sky is where you live
I've come to you
Like you're the richest
Like you're different creature
I have come to you
Not because you're flawless
But because you've given myself
Maybe that's where we're weak
What I gave unbalanced
What I questioned wrong
To make me back
Till you didn't accept
Till it's too much maybe
Cause no one will give you these
If you took it back
Afraid maybe
You'll be too dependable
You'll lose the balance
If you didn't break me

The asunder wordحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن