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Getting off the plane my friends follow me. I get our bags and manage to get us outside and into a taxi.

Pulling up in front of my house, I don't know what to do. Cam pays the driver, and we all get out with our bags.

"Wow" Lucy says.

"Right?" Cam anwsers.

"Not what you thought it'd be?" I ask, walking towards the door. I hadn't called my parents to tell them that I was coming home, let alone that I was bring people with.

Knocking on the door, I'm shaking....

"Maddie!" My younger sister Piper screams as she hugs me.

"Hey Pip, are mom and dad home?"

"Yeah, come on in." She says, looking at Lucy and Cam.

"Cool, thanks." Walking by her, I take Cam and Lucy up to my room and drop our stuff. I then show them to the kitchen were my mom is cooking and my dad is watching and playfully trying to mess her up.

"Maddie!" My mother yells, and grabs me throwing me into a big hug. I've missed my mom so much, it's great to see her again.

"Hi mom. Dad." I say, I notice my mom looking over my shoulder at my friends. "These are Cam and Lucy."

"Oh lovely." My mom hugs them too. She's kinda a big hugger.

Cam, Lucy, and I sit down as we explain everything that happened... Leaving out the part that we killed her, that's our sercert to bare.

Peter moved out while I was gone, and in with Zack, while I was gone. My mom set up the room for Cam and Lucy is staying in my room.

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