Kindaichi looked at them worried. "逆だじゃない?(Isn't it the other way around?)"

Unlike all of them, I clearly know, that neither of them are! Iwaizumi simply wanted to beat Oikawa to the chase by giving me an ice pack first. Oikawa and Iwaizumi are both messed up in the head. That's why they get along so much.

Kyotani appeared near the circle and was staring at Iwaizumi with.. admiration, I think. He was kind of scanning Iwaizumi. I'm not sure if he's criticizing him, or planning to copy him.

Speaking of the team, Kunimi was nowhere to be found, and Watari was just told to look for him. Their two coaches were at the side, discussing something. The rest, were at my area.

Aoba Johsai's volleyball team is full of dorks, which is why I love them so much. I don't know about other volleyball teams, but they're my favorite. They work hard, their captain brings out the best of each member, and they're not toxic towards each other.

It's upsetting whenever the thought of them losing to Shiratorizawa crosses my mind. The team is always feeling so down, but they can get back up because of each other. There's no one member who encourages the whole team, it's all the members, encouraging one another to get up again.

However, I can't stand remembering it.

"くそ!(Damn it!)" He made a dent on the locker.

"及川さん!(Oikawa-san!)" I rushed to his side.

He turned his back on the lockers and slid down to the floor. I could still hear his held back sobs. The rest of the team went back to the school first. Oikawa stayed, and I did too. I can't leave him like this.

I held his bleeding hand and started to treat it.

"うしわか... (Ushiwaka..)" he grunted. I predicted that he would say that they'll definitely win, but nothing came afterwards but another sob that implied his surrender. "くそ!(Damn it!)" he cussed again.

I can't handle seeing him like that.

Oikawa is one of the reasons I got close to Shirabu Kenjiro. The rest of the team probably doesn't know yet, but ever since Shirabu became Shiratorizawa's setter, I've gotten quite close to him.

At first, his looks caught my attention, then I found out he could be of help to me, knowing more about Shiratorizawa's strategic play, but in the end, I just like him. He's a good friend.

"本当に御免なさい(I'm very sorry.)" I bowed my upper body. I couldn't see Shirabu's facial expression then, but I could feel himself restraining his own anger. It's a natural reaction, after finding out that I befriended him just to find ways to beat Shiratorizawa. After developing a genuine bond with him, I felt so guilty, I decided to tell him the truth.

Distracted by my own tears, I was caught by surprise when I felt Shirabu's arm on my back. He pulled me into a one-hand embrace, before his hand climbed up to my head while his elbow kept my body pushed close to his.

"謝らない (Don't apologize)," his voice was shaking. "君が俺の夕暉だ。泣くないで、もう許した (You're still my Sekki. Don't cry, I forgive you already.)" The last sentence he said was soft. Shirabu pulled me closer before dropping his head on my shoulder as he repeated, "許した (I forgive you.)"

Shirabu Kenjiro. He didn't deserve to be deceived by someone like me. And I don't deserve to be forgiven by him. Despite what happened, we're still as close as before. But it was trouble when Oikawa found out.

"彼と一緒何故だ?!(Why are you with him?!)" he raised his voice. His chest went up and down really fast. When he noticed the volume of his voice, he started to breathe slower.

"俺たちは友達だって!辞めなさい!(We are friends, okay! Stop it!)"

"彼は白鳥沢のセッターだ!(He's Shiratorizawa's setter!)"

"だから何だ?!(So what?!)"

Oikawa's eyes widened. He paused for a second of epiphany, but was distracted by his anger once again.

That day went on with our bickering. Our parents were worried because, apparently, our argument could be heard from the living room. And we were in his room which was on the second floor. Oikawa insisted I stop being friends with Shirabu. I ignored him for a week because of it. Eventually, he lowered his pride and let me be, and it all became part of the past.

Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Shirabu. Oikawa knows. He became cold to me when I asked permission from him, but like always, it faded away and we're back to normal.

While the team was dorking around, my phone beeped. My heart raced thinking it was Kageyama Tobio. I glanced at the LED display on the cover and found Shirabu's name on it. At that point, I was disappointed. Kageyama Tobio really doesn't plan on messaging me at all. Nonetheless, I opened my phone and found two emails, one from an unknown contact.

— ① —


Shirabu Kenjiro
Have you eaten dinner?

— ② —


It's Kageyama. How are you?


Uh. I guess. My heart did skip a beat!

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