Teen Fiction Results

118 18 13

First of all, thank you so much for participating in the awards. All of you are winners in a way. Congratulations to you all!💝💝

Don't be disheartened if you didn't win. Not winning doesn't mean your book is not nice and it does not match the standards, just a little bit fixing and you can always try it out again.

Note: The top three participants are decided by all the judges together. So you may find yourself getting a higher mark but you are not in the top three. That is because we took the top books from each judges scores and the judges read all the books again and then decided the top 3. Hope you understand.

So let's jump to the results.......

I know most of you, after knowing the results, will probably unfollow the community. Before that, I just wanted to let you know that this is only the first awards we are hosting. There will be many more awards to come.

We are planning monthly awards. So every month, new participants get a chance and the ones who have edited their books, get a second chance.

🌸We also have the cover shops, book club and will soon start other books, so stay tuned to know more and do join the book club if interested.🌸


infiniteharminy {The bad girl and me}

Score: 48


Hazel_Cahill {The masked nerd}



tumblrgirl736 {Breaking the bad boy's heart}



IkramWrites {The girl and the bad repution}



AlfahRizan {Magical Memories}



PatienTsN22To1 {Hope and beleive}



yo_fave_slimmy {Made in San French-cisco}



feufeu15 {Laws of attraction}



AdrianJaylenValencia {melodious in love}


Adventuregirl07 {Lovestruck highschool vibes!}



Fatma_saad97 {Fanatic}



thereshewrote {the heartbreak clause}



KitWulf {Wynters Bane}



stxr_light00 {But, I love you}



readallabout {Best Rivals}



pomalo_ {The wish from Heaven}

Score: 99


Jenny_Blinky {One Rocky Term}

Score: 17


blessedstory (Pleasure is my treasure)

Score: 68


bffhiz111 (star bright)

Score: 98


Silenesea6 (Slay all snakes)

Score: 75


The top 3 are:

✨3rd place ( Laws of attraction with 93 by

✨2nd place (Star Bright with 98 by bffhiz111)

✨1st place (The wish from Heaven with 99 by pomalo_)

The winners should pm the community for the stickers.

🌸Thanks for participating 🌸

Bookaholics Awards 2020(closed) Where stories live. Discover now