Duplicated Emotions

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Do people really want to be completely understood? Or do they just want to be accepted? Do they just want to be embraced? If someone completely understood someone else's feelings, would anyone be unique? If someone could duplicate someone else's feelings completely, would they see it in the same light as the original owner did? Of course not, their own feelings would always compromise the duplicated feelings. They could never truly understand that other person, they would instead be influencing those feelings with their own thoughts and emotions, their own experiences and wisdom. No one can truly understand someone else's feelings. There are many ways to cope with something, and everyone we see will have a unique way of coping as we all have unique lives. We pull different lessons out of the same experience, that's just how humans work. It's not possible to completely understand someone so don't even try. You can accept other people who are experiencing different emotions, you can accept those emotions, you can relate to those emotions, but you will never understand them. But emotions you can't understand aren't invalid and incorrect, instead they are a new learning experience. You can gain insight from those emotions even if you can't understand them. You can listen to that person, listen to the wisdom they gained from their life, and you can understand that wisdom. You can understand wisdom that comes from other people's emotions, but you could not have ever gained that wisdom independently because you do not understand the emotions behind that wisdom. 

In my opinion, anyway. Feel free to disagree, you're entitled to your own wisdom. :) 

I gained this insight with my Aunt Aubri during our 3 hour phone call. It was very eye-opening and fun to think up. I'm not taking complete credit over this, it was basically a collaboration between the two of us, adding onto each other's wisdom. Even if you disagree with what I just said, I hope you can take this chapter and learn something from it. It can be your own, brand new and personalized wisdom lesson if you want it to be!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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