Snapshots: Dead Ringers

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, ma'am."

Priscilla turned her attention back to Pacifica, who should have escaped out of the door while she had the chance. "What do you think you're doing, hiding yourself up here for the whole party?"

"I was down there at the beginning of the party!" Pacifica sat the plate down on the counter and crossed her arms. "And I'm not hiding."

"Oh really? Then what were you doing?"

"Keeping Gideon company," Pacifica said after a short moment of deliberation.

Priscilla looked back at Gideon, who looked like he had decided a little too late that he would rather be downstairs with he-who-must-not-be-named instead of having to witness his friend fight with her mom. "And what were you doing?"

"Hiding," Gideon said weakly, refusing to make eye contact with Pacifica as he sank back down into the tub.

"All of my friends are traitors," Pacifica grumbled.

"I apologized!" Grenda cried.

"Pacifica, this is our party. We can't be good hosts if we're not even attending it," Priscilla said. "You shouldn't let one person ruin the entire night for you."

"No one has ruined my night!" Pacifica protested sharply. Priscilla raised an eyebrow and Pacifica calmed herself. "My night is not ruined. I've been having a grand old time in the bathtub. Playing go-fish. With Gideon."

"You're going to go back to the party," Priscilla said, her voice even and commanding. "And you're going to stay there and socialize and be a good host for the rest of the party. It's almost over, anyways, so it shouldn't be that hard for you."

"But Mom-"

"Pacifica." Priscilla bent down to Pacifica's eye level, although she didn't have far to go. Pacifica had finally gotten her long-overdue growth spurt over the summer. "You're going to have to talk to him eventually. Whether it's tonight or tomorrow at school. Why not do it on your own turf?"

Pacifica glanced up at the ceiling and ran through every possible scenario of being forced to have a conversation with he-who-must-not-be-named on school grounds and found that every single one of them ended with her getting detention- or even worse in the more violent ones, getting suspended- on the first day back to school, and sighed.

"You're right," she conceded. "The outcome of whatever conversation we have tonight at least won't go on my permanent record."

Priscilla frowned. "That's not exactly the conclusion that I wanted you to reach," she said. "But I'll take it." Kissing Pacifica on the forehead, she stood back up straight and smoothed out her lake foam green sundress. "I'll give you three minutes to prepare yourself before I come back up here and drag you down by your ear. Love you!"

"Love you too, Mom," Pacifica smiled in spite of herself.

Grenda moved to let Priscilla by as she turned to return to the party before stepping into the bathroom. "Permission to be your backup?"

Gideon raised his hand. "Permission to not be backup?"

"I don't need backup," Pacifica sighed. "Just stand somewhere close enough where you can get to me fast enough if I decide to strangle him. You can stay here though, Gids." She grabbed her satchel from the countertop and threw it over her shoulder, peeking in the flap to make sure her grandmother's diary was still there. It was, as usual. Pacifica would definitely need its strength to get through the rest of the party. She flipped open her jewelry box on the counter and started shifting through its contents. "Where is the man of the hour, anyways?"

"He's in the kitchen." Candy appeared in the doorway, her pastel pink skull earrings swishing as she moved. "He looked like he was thinking about following Grenda and your mom up here, so I purposely accidentally spilled my water on him. He's cleaning up."

Pacifica fist-bumped Candy. "Right on."

"I really do think he might be here to apologize," Grenda said thoughtfully. "He might not be trying to do it in the nicest way, but I think this might be his way of trying. He hasn't been as mean as he usually is all night."

"Yeah, right," Pacifica scoffed. She pulled out a twine necklace with a small chunk of shiny carnelian attached at the end. She threw it over her head and tucked the gemstone into her shirt where it could rest near her heart. "He's probably just here to insult the new wallpaper, criticize the food, and pretend like he doesn't even know why the bed-and-breakfast was wrecked in the first place."

"Sorry," Gideon squeaked. Candy pulled out her phone to presumably add another tally to her 'how many times has Gideon apologized' count.

Pacifica didn't dignify Gideon's apology with a response, choosing to instead pass him the newest plate of goodies, which he accepted eagerly. "Have fun up here in a Dipper Northwest-less world."

"I will," Gideon confirmed. "Good luck."

"Thanks." Pacifica gave herself a quick glance-over in the mirror to make sure there was no chocolate smudges on her face. "I'm going to need it."

"Ready?" Candy asked, gesturing out of the bathroom and towards the staircase leaning downstairs.

"Not one bit," Pacifica said as she walked out the door. "But let's do it anyways."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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