
188 6 2

763 words (plus an A/N so like 892ish total)

Mark's POV

     "Scott!" I yelled as I grew more and more angry at the sight of dirty dishes and the general mess that I saw inside of our home. I didn't receive a response, which only made me angrier at the blonde. 

     I sighed as I walked up the stairs after a long day at work. I assumed that Scott, my fiancè, had gone to the store to buy the groceries for the week like he had said that he would. I showered quickly, putting on an old sweatshirt and some sweatpants afterwards. 

     I heard Scott's car pull into the driveway and the door open and close softly. Scott's shoes thumped against the stairs as he climbed them. 

     "Hey," I began, "Did you get the groceries?"

      "No," he started, my anger from previously returning, "I was going to but I had a meeting." He shrugged, walking into his closet, presumably to get more comfortable clothes. 

     His dismissiveness is what made me explode, and before I knew it we were screaming at eachother. This didn't happen often, but when it did it was pretty bad. 


    Scott shook it off, as he grabbed his hoodie and phone, ready to leave our home. "Call me if you need anything, love you," he softly said, walking out of the front door. 

    I sighed as tears softly began to stream down my face. I started to clean up our house. Once I was done, I sat on our bed, not bothering to remove my jeans or even get underneath the blankets. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


I gasped softly as I heard the front door opening and closing softly. I scrambled for my phone, which I found was dead. In a panic, I grabbed a book and ran towards the kitchen, assuming that someone had broken in. I turned the corner to see a head of disheveled blonde hair that was soaking wet. 

"Scott?" I questioned weakly.

"Marky, I- I'm sorry did I wake you up? I just...I was going to sleep over Mitch's house to give you some space but he is in New York so I went to the diner near his house, and I walked there but it started raining and I-" he rambled. 

I shook my head and walked towards him, I wrapped my arms around him softly, "I'm just glad you are safe. I'm sorry for being a d!ck earlier. Can we...can we like talk about this tomorrow? I'm exhausted and I really just want to cuddle with someone."

Scott's face softened as he shook his head affirmatively and wrapped his arms around me. We walked up the stairs to our shared bedroom. He changed his clothes, removing his shirt and lazily tugging on a pair of loose sweatpants. I climbed into the bed, almost immediately falling asleep until I felt his warm body behind mine and his muscular arms wrapping around my body. Soon we had both drifted into a deep sleep. 


My eyes fluttered open and light poured through the window in our bedroom. I sighed softly as I looked over at the California mountains. Slowly, I made my way down stairs and into our kitchen where I found Scott standing shirtless in our kitchen, attempting to make pancakes with the help of a Youtube tutorial. I softly chuckled to myself as I began to help him. 

"Baby?" he question, uncertainty lacing his voice.


"I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry about yesterday. I should have done what you asked and I didn't mean to be rude or anything,"He softly responded. 

"Can we just... talk like adults for a minute?" I began, "I was rude too, I mean I literally accused you of cheating, which is so so wrong of me, especially knowing your past. I should have considered how you were feeling more and I am so sorry I didn't."

Scott and I talked for about twenty minutes before eating breakfast in a comfortable silence. Soon that silence was broken as we laughed about something random, falling back into our normal routine together. 

"Marky, next time can we please just try to talk it out like adults? I hate fighting with you, and I hate seeing that hurt look on your face when I yell, I love you and I honestly don't think I can handle losing you, ever," he said seriously. 

"Of course, baby. I love you too, more than anything. Next time we try to adults."


(A/N): Look at that! I finally did it!! Thank you so much for the suggestion imcdna I hope you enjoyed this? Idk it took me a while to finish because of AP Exams and just general mental health stuff cuz COVID.

Anyways, my classes mostly end this week so give me prompts here and I will try to do as many as I can!! I do have a soulmate AU in the works but it may take me a bit so if any of you have smaller prompts like this I would be happy to write them!!

If you see any typos feel free to point them out :)

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy, love you all so much <3


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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