The arrogant woman huffed once more, but her squanders fell to deaf ears as (F/n) continued pushing through her shift. That woman was the least of her troubles. One customer after the other, eyes distant as she bid a customer farewell and greeted the next with a tight-lipped smile.

The day dragged on, and before she knew it the sun had begun to set below the distant horizon and the stars twinkled innocently above, she stayed later than usual. She rushed around the small bakery, wiping down displays and counting out the registers earnings for the day, it had been quite the busy day. A hard days work yet she didn't feel as if she were really there, she just wanted to go home and relax under a warm shower. She wanted to get out of the stupid dress. Her mistake for thinking it would ever work.

"Time to head off." She mumbled to herself, checking everything was in place before removing her apron and shutting down the lights. She made her way out and locked the door shut behind her, looking out to the barren dark roads of Konoha one last time.

Her heart sunk.

Kakashi was late, three hours late to be exact. He always came by to help out after and took her home, and whenever he was out on missions he always ensured someone would be there to take her home. On this particular night he was nowhere to be seen and she had to stay longer than usual to clean up, customer traffic was unusually busier.

"My mission is never complete until I escort the lovely lady home." He would say sweetly, pressing a kiss to her temple whenever she apologized for the troubles.

She wrapped her arms around herself, (e/c) eyes darting around as she treaded down the dimly lit streets. She forgot what it was like to walk home alone, as well as the paranoia that came with it. Every dark corner was a shadow waiting to grab at her, to take her in and swallow her whole and to never be seen again.

She stayed under the street lamps.

(F/n) missed the way he would wrap his arm gently around her and pull her into his side, a silent promise to keep her safe. He was her protector, a gentle man who wouldn't waste a second when it came to protecting the ones he loved. Kami, why did she have to go and ruin it with her stupid insecurities and childish nonsense?

Of course he loved her, and she didn't need to bed him to know that.

The scenery of the darkened dirt road she walked down blurred, and a warm tear streamed down her cheek before she could stop it. She was ashamed for ever doubting him, he must have his reasons and she was in no place to attempt to force him into something he wasn't ready for yet.
She hadn't changed one bit, she was the same insecure girl he met all those years ago. She harshly wiped it away, then another came down and another and before she knew it a choked cry fell from her lips.

"A lovely lady such as yourself shouldn't be crying at this time of night." A strong voice said from behind her, a large calloused hand resting itself on her shoulder.


Her aching heart warmed, a surge of relief flooding through her as she turned her head with a smile, feeling as if she were in a fairytale and was about to be saved by her knight in shining armor.

Except in this world fairytales didn't exist and her knight in shining armor was no where in sight.

In his place was an unfamiliar man with a gruff beard and tight grip, his dark eyes were clouded and his heavy breath reeked of sake. This was the world Kakashi promised to protect her from, and this time she was on her own with no help in sight. The village was silent, the moon shining brightly above and children tucked in for the night, no one would come to her rescue.

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