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I get a phone call when we're down the road from school, a phone call that everyone dreads, the police man on the end of the phone asked if I was Lola carter "yes" I reply "I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but your parents have been involved in a car accident" "ar are the alright" I stuttered "they are in the hospital in a critical condition, there will be a police officer at the school to pick you up and take you to see them" "ok" I hung up and sat there in shock, I look next to me and notice bella is looking the same, I tell her what the police told me and she said that she had the same phone call that's hen we realise our parents we're going out together today! We arrive to the school and the police take us straight to the hospital, when we get there we see our brothers and my sister, straight away I realise it wasn't good, I ran to my brothers and sister and give then a hug. My sister is 5 years older than me, she is called Sophie my older brother is 2 years older than me called Liam and my young brother is 18 months younger than me called Sam. Bellas older brothers are 5 years older called tom and one is 2 years a older called jack. The doctor comes out and hands us the news, I wasn't good, they had head injuries and I drunk driver had hit into the making them spin out of control and hit into a lorry. They didn't make it! We we're allowed to go and see them an it broke me to have to say goodbye to both my parents forever, I didn't even get to tell them about today and who I met. My nan turns up and goes to see my parents too, we all head back to her bungalow which was down the road from our house.

The funeral came and gone and things we're going back to normal or as normal as they could, me and bella we're closer than ever. I hated going to school even more than normal I was acting out all the time and started going out with my friends at the weekend drinking and smoking with older teenagers, getting into fights at school, not listening to anyone. I got called into the head teachers office for the second time this week "Lola I know your having a hard time t the moment but there's no need for all this acting up your doing, you need to sort it out otherwise il have to suspend you!" "You don't have the first clue of what I'm going through so don't give me that" after that I storm out. Later that evening I have a random number ringing me I don't answer the first few time but there persistent so I give in and answer "hello?" "Hey is this Lola carter?" "Yeah who's this?" "It's marshall" "who?" "Eminem" "yeah right good one!" I'm starting to get annoyed with this bloke who thinks he's funny "no seriously I got paul to find a number for you, I heard what happened the day I met you, I'm so sorry, how have you been?" "Oh right, how do you think?" "I've spoken to your nan already and she's telling your acting out and stuff so I was wondering if we could get together and bella and treat you for a weekend out?" "You kidding me?" "No seriously we want you to have a fun weekend an smile again" "ok then, when though?" "I'm hopefully flying out tomorrow so this weekend?" "Ok just text me the details or something?" "Great, can't wait to see you again" "yeah me either" an with that we hung up. I actually for the first time in months smiled, I rang bella up straight away and told her the plans and we we're getting all excited, her nan made me laugh as she didn't know who eminem or anyone was.

The next day flew by and it was Friday night which meant the usual antics of going out for a while and just being teenagers. The next morning I woke up to a text to say that they would come by at 10, it was half 8 now so I jumped In the shower and got ready I was wearing black skinny jeans but rolled up a little at the bottoms, air Max's, a burgundy thin strapped floaty top and my leather jacket with my hair natural curly and some make up. Bella rang me to see what we were wearing, she went for black leggings a grey skater dress and a denim jacket. As I got off the phone to bella I heard a knock at the door, my nan answers it and invites whoever it is in, I walk into the living room and see eminem, paul and proof talking to my nan I'm guessing about me the way they went quiet when I walked in "hi" I said as I walked in, proof then came over to me and gave me a huge hug I smiled at him when he finally let me go, eminem then came over to me and said said hello and have me a hug too, after meeting my brothers and sister we headed of in their car and I felt a little awkward for a while "when are we getting bella?" I asked "oh denaun and the others just picked her up" "oh ok, where are we going?" "It's a surprise" eminem smirked "lets just hope you like roller coasters" paul chuckled "please tell me where going to a theme park, I love them!" The all smiled which basically gave it away, I was now feeling a little excited for today then I had a thought "hang on how does someone like eminem go to a theme park?" "Easy shut it down to everyone else for the day" proof laughed "oh and please call me marshall" "ok so marshall you are kidding that shut a theme park down for the day right?" "You'll just have to wait and see" he winked at me "so your nan says you've been getting into fights at school, why?" He asked "I duno, girls are just bitchy aren't they, no offence but why do you care anyway?" "I care because you seem like a really lovely girl and you've been through some horrific things and I want to help you" "but nothing will help unless you can magically bring my parents back, which isn't going to happen but I'm sure il be fine so don't worry" "but I do worry, I couldn't imagine what your going through but I can tell that's why your acting out" "look I don't want to be rude and it's great that your wanting to cheer me and bella up this weekend but it's not going to change what's happened or how I feel about the whole thing, after this weekend your going to go back to America and I'm going to stay here, you'll forget all about me and bella which is fine I don't expect any more so please can we change the subject and have some fun?" "Just to let you know that just because you live here and I live in America doesn't mean we will lose contact I will always be on the other end of the phone whenever you need me" the ride went a little quiet for a few minutes but soon started up again all getting to know each other, we asked the basic like when your birthday is etc, family, what I want to do when I'm older, school and friends. After a 2 hour drive we we're finally here, I looked out the window to see where we we're and I was right we we're going to the theme park! There we're no other cars in the car park so I'm guessing that proof wasn't joking about renting the place for the day. We jumped out of the cars and me and all greeted each other, me and bella stood back while the blokes all messed around I don't think we could really believe what was happening. Once we got in the park me and bella ran for the biggest ride, marshall and denaun didn't look like they we're going to love it but we dragged them on anyway, I was next to marshall and bella took denaun on, the pictures afterwards we're hilarious and marshall look a little pale. After like 3/4 hours of going on all the rides we decided it was time for some dinner so go to the restaurant there a tuck in, everyone is chatting and asking me and bella questions about us and in return we're asking questions about them "so marshall and denaun did you enjoy those rides cus you looked like you shat yourself" me and bella laugh at what bella asked them "oh yeah time of my life" denaun chuckled, bella seemed to take to him quite quickly like I had marshall, the acted like they really cared bout us, I'm not sure if it's just for show or not "so what's the plans for tomorrow" I asked marshall as everyone went back to having there own conversations "well I don't mind, we don't have to fly back until later that evening, what do you fancy doing?" "Erm what about go karting or motocross?" paul laughed a little at my answer "what's so funny?" I asked "well you two don't seem like the type to like motocross" me an bella looked at eachother and smiled "we used to do it all the time with our dad's and brothers, at first we hated it but after a few years we loved it" "your sister not go then?" Marshall asked "nah she wasn't in to that sort of thing, we can be quite Tom boys when it comes to cars and bikes" "what else do you enjoy doing then" proof butted in "Lola is a great singer but he won't admit it" for that comment from bella she got a smack on the arm "oh really, you never said" marshall commented "I duno I used to record myself and put it on Facebook and you tube but Havnt in a few months" "really, I'll have to look you up later, what would you sing?" Anything really, please don't look me up, that's so embarrassing" I blush a little hoping he really doesn't but knowing full well he will! "Yeah there's even a video of you rapping to my name is" bella dropped it, everyone smiled and started trying to find it on Facebook "cheers bella!" I said as I got up and walked out as everyone was sat around watching the video of me. I just took myself outside and started kicking around a big bouncy ball that someone must have one and dropped previously, I'm so pissed bella told everyone it's so embarrassing that eminem himself is actually watching it! I hear the door open and close but don't bother turning around "just leave me alone" I slightly shouted, whoever it was obviously didn't get the hint and what my luck the ball I kicked bounced off the wall and in there direction! I turn around and marshall has picked the ball up and is bouncing it on the floor "you do know your supposed to kick it not bounce it with your hands" I say to him, he smirks back at me "I would but don't forget we're from America and soccer is shit, basketball it so much better" "haha alright then, it's football by the way" "why did you walk out?" He asked me "cus I didn't want to sit in there when everyone is watching a video of me looking like an idiot" "we weren't laughing at you, your actually pretty good, can't believe an 11 year old know all the words to my song though" "I wouldn't be surprised i was only pissing around when we took it" "god you love to swear don't you" he exclaimed "yeah well who gives a shit" I smirk at him "yeah well when you come over to mine you'll have to pack it in, my rule in my house is you don't swear in front of my daughters" "haha ok then, when are you expecting me to come to America then? What when the world ends?" I laugh slightly at him "no being serious I want you to back to America with me for a little holiday and met my girls, denaun wants bella to go back too" "ok il believe I when I see it, why would you want 2 kids from a small town in England to come to America?" "Because we feel like we have connected to you both individually and you'd get on great with my girls" "no you feel sorry for us that all it is, I don't need people to feel sorry for me I'm fine" "who wouldn't feel sorry for you after what you've been through, but that's not why! Ok so your doing fine ey? Going out getting drunk, smoking and getting into fights?" He raised his voice a little which made everyone inside turn and watch us "is be fine if people just left me to it, I can't help that people start fights with me cus they think it's a cool thing and I can't help that I enjoy it either, you don't know the first thing about it, oh I'm sorry you didn't know your dad and your mum was shit but that doesn't mean you know what I'm going through, I'd rather grow up like you did without a dad an basically mum then have this amazing family who are so close and have the 2 main people in your lives to be taken away from you, I couldn't even say goodbye!" He looked at me stunned and I was a little shocked with myself for actually say it, everyone inside started coming out to us and bella walked over to me and pulled my arm a bit "come on Lola calm down a second" i pulled my arm away "no I'm fed up of people tip toeing around me all the time, just learn the tell the truth if there only talking to me cus the feel sorry then come out and tell me and if happily punch you in the face" I smirk a little at my last comment "yeah I understand that but just come and calm down" we walked away from everyone else, not far as I could hear everyone asking marshall what he did, I heard him start to explain what happened when bella asked me hat happened, I explained what he said "I feel bad now but I'm just fed up of it all" "trust me I know but you didn't need to go off on him like that, he only cares" "I know it's just weird cus the hardly know us" "I get that but I like it, it's nice having someone who doesn't know me before this happened and can just not talk about it all the time or feel awkward" "marshall said denaun and him want us to go over to America and meet there families" "yeah he mentioned it, I can't wait, dont know what my nan will say though" "haha can you imagine their faces" "shall we head back over?" "Yeah sure" we walk on over to everyone and I go straight up to marshall "can I talk to you please" I asked "yeah sure" we walk away from the group a little, I started "look il sorry about me kicking off it's just weird having someone care for once, I know my nan and family do but their going through stuff too so I don't like to bother them when something is happening. I don't mean to act out all the time, I know it's hard for my nan to look after 4 kids from 10-16 but i honestly feel lost most the time and I feel like I've got to keep this persona of I'm still the loud, gobby funny girl I was before this happened but it's hard so I lash out" I take a deep breath waiting for the lecture to come, instead I get pulled in for a tight hug "I know you didn't mean it, I don't expect you to be the girl you were before, you've been through a lot that can change a person but I just want you happy, I really do care for you" a tear ran down my cheek as I hugged him back "can you loosen it off a little though cus I can't breathe" he laughs slightly to my comment "so do you forgive me then, I didn't mean to say what I did about your mum and dad" I say "of course I do, don't be silly they are wastes of spaces anyway" he let's go off me and kisses my forehead and wipes my tears "anyway enough of this sloppy shit everyone's looking" I tell him "after 3 give them the finger ready" I nod "1,2,3" we turn around with everyone watching and flip them the finger, we all start laughing when marshall bends down and in my ear says "don't tell your nan I'm encouraging that" we both laugh at his comment and head back to the group.

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