a sea of whispers

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"It's fine, Aggie," she told her, voice shaking. "I can handle this."

The blonde Slytherin crossed her arms across her chest in a nonchalant manner. Only Agatha saw that she was trying to hide the fact that she was trembling like a leaf. "Hello, Teddy," she said matter-of-factly. "How was your summer?"

Tedros smiled at his ex-girlfriend nervously. "Hey, Sophie. Could we talk?" His eyes darted around the platform as if he was noticing the crowd of eavesdroppers lurking behind him for the first time. "Er... in private?"

Abruptly, she stopped trembling and steeled herself. "I think you've said quite enough, Teddy," she responded coolly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I haven't seen my friends in months and would quite prefer to talk to them than to you." Sophie turned and walked away briskly, crystal slippers clinking on the floor. Agatha quickly followed her, leaving a dumbfounded Tedros behind. He shook himself out of his stupor and sprinted after the girls.

"Sophie, stop it! Just listen to me," Tedros said, blocking the train entrance.

"Get out of my way," she said quietly. Despite the calmness of her voice, something about it sent shivers down Agatha's spine. Wow, I hope Sophie's never this furious with me , she thought. Tedros looked nervous but forged ahead.

"Look, I know you're really upset with me-"

"'Upset' doesn't cut it," Agatha interrupted. "You really hurt her, Tedros." He threw her an annoyed glare.

"Agatha, sorry, but this isn't really any of your business." He turned back to Sophie with a pleading expression. "Soph, please, if you'll just let me explain-"

"Why can't you get it into your thick head?" she snapped. "I do not want to talk to you. Not now, not ever." Her emerald eyes darkened. "Now get the hell out of my way."

After leaving a baffled Tedros behind on the platform, she and Sophie hurried through the corridors in search of Sophie's friends. As soon as she'd turned her back on her ex-boyfriend, Sophie had dropped her cold, unaffected expression and burst into tears.

Agatha had spent the next half hour trying in vain to comfort her miserable best friend while still looking for Beatrix and the rest of the girls. She finally found the group in a carriage at the very end of the train at a table overflowing with treats from the trolley.

Beatrix took one look at Sophie's tear-streaked face, arched a thin eyebrow at Agatha, and coolly said, "I can take it from here." The raven-haired girl rolled her eyes but relinquished her hold on her friend's hand.

Sophie launched herself into the blonde's outstretched arms. "Bea, I- I saw Teddy on the platform," she hiccupped. "He said he needed to talk to me... I wouldn't let him. And I don't want to talk to him. Ever. But I also just miss him, so, so, much..."

The rest of the girls formed a huddle around their friend, comforting her with tight hugs.

"You're going to be okay, Soph," Reena told her. "We're here with you."

"You know what'll totally make you feel better?" Millicent said brightly. "We got loads of Chocolate Frogs from the trolley lady! Want one?"

Sophie shot her redheaded friend a glare. "Millie, you know what chocolate does to my thighs! Why would you even-"

Agatha silently slipped out of the carriage while the girls talked and let out a sigh of relief. Of course Sophie was her best friend, but she wasn't really close to the rest of the girls. And even though she loved Sophie, sometimes she was a little too much, even for Agatha. Sometimes, she just needed a break from her friend. And being Head Girl that year was the perfect excuse.

Back in fifth year, Agatha had tried to be happy for Nicola when she was elected Ravenclaw's Prefect. She knew that her friend had worked incredibly hard for it and deserved it wholeheartedly, but every time she saw a beaming Nicola wearing her shiny blue badge, a little part of her wanted to rip it off her robes. She'd gotten better at hiding her jealousy over the years, but her heart had still twinged painfully whenever she saw her friend doing her rounds with the rest of the Prefects.

That summer, when a tawny owl had rapped on Agatha's window pane, clutching an envelope with a letter and a golden Head Girl badge, she'd been positive it was a mistake. A quick glance at the letter, which displayed her name in big, bold letters, had allayed her fears. She was determined to be a great Head Girl and prove to Headmistress Dovey that she deserved her position. Nothing, not even an irritating Head Boy companion, could ruin this for her.

Agatha inhaled deeply and slid the Prefect train carriage door open. She spotted Hester talking to Nicola and the other Slytherin prefect. The girls gave her a little wave and she waved back, a smile spreading over her face. Agatha scanned the room for the new Head Boy, forehead wrinkling in confusion when she didn't spot him anywhere. A finger tapped her on her shoulder, making her jump. She turned and locked eyes with Tedros.

"Er... hello, Agatha," he said with a sheepish smile. "Um, I guess we'll be getting to know each other better this year!"

Her eyes zeroed in on the polished Head Boy badge pinned to the front of his robes.

Agatha's smile vanished.

"You have got to be kidding me."

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