
Wadanohara noticed how nervous (Name) is, so she answered Tarako instead.

"She lost her memories, so I invited her to stay at my home for a time being."

"Is that so, let's play together sometime, (Name)!" Tarako smiled.

"Y-Yeah, sure." She smiled back

"Come onnn, Wadda. Let's go home." Memoca whined.

"Sure, sure."

All this time, Fukami observe (Name) quietly behind. He now learned that she is a humble, shy girl. But there are lots of things he is yet to discover.

(Name) looks around continuously, she noticed that Fukami hasn't said any word since they come down here. So she was hoping she'd start a conversation with him even just a little. But before she can speak anything, her stomach began to rumbles. Her face, red as a tomato, as she was embarrassed by the sound of it. She silently wished that no one would noticed.

"Are you hungry, (Name)?"

...At least it's only heard by Fukami.

"Ahaha...yes, how embarrassing..." She smiled back at him shyly.

"What do you want to eat?"

(Name)'s face paled 'Surely, no fish's dishes...'

"How about a sharkfin soup?"

"Ah! N-No thank you!" She yelped in surprise.

"Is something wrong?" Dolphi asked.

"D-Definitely not a sharkfin soup!"

"Sharkfin soup!!?"

"Ahhhh!! I'm sorry Samekichi!"

'She's a bad liar.' Fukami noted to himself.


At last, they arrived at Wadanohara's house. Once each set their foot into the house, they quickly scatters to each room, minding their own business. Leaving Fukami and (Name) alone in the living room.

"So," Fukami started, "What do you want to eat?"

"A-Anything's fine, b-but let me help you!"

"Are you sure?"

"Certainly!" (Name)'s face lit up.

"Then grab some veggies in the fridge. I'll slice up some meat."

"Roger!" She happily replied.

She ran to the fridge and gather some green vegetables.

"By the way, what are you going to, wha—"

(Name) suddenly tripped on her own foot and sending the vegatable she held flying everywhere. Her face would've kissed the floor if it weren't for Fukami to grab her arms and held her close to him. Neither of them said a word until (Name) recovered from the shock.

"I-I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to!! I mean, I was in a hurry so you don't have to wait..."

She rambles on while still attached in Fukami's arms. Meanwhile, the octopus stares at her lips and let his mind wanders to how it would've felt when touched.

"Umm, Fukami?"

He snaps out of his thought.

"...Go wait in the living room. I'll call you when it's ready."


Not wanting to be in his way, she obediently walks to the living room. Trying her best not to let her tears fall down and quietly sat in the couch.

'He's going to hate me after this. Ughhh, I'm so useless!'

You're SO useless.


Didn't someone say something just now?

'Probably just my imagination...'


Once (Name) has finished her meal (which is noted to be very tasty), she wandered outside of the house, wanting to explore the strange town underwater. All of the sea dwellers are really nice, giving (Name) some knowledge about the sea or just having a conversation.

Then she decided to head home, she doesn't want to go to far and get lost in process. Her hand reach the doorknob when suddenly the door swing open.


"Oh! H-Hi Fukami! I just have a walk around the town a bit. It's really lovely."

Saying so, the girl gives him a bright smile.

"...Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Oh..." The (color) hair girl thought. "I actually want to go a bit...farther, but I'm afaid I might get lost, haha..."

"Do you want to go with me?"

"You don't mind?" her (color) eyes light up, "Then let's go over there first!"

Maybe it's because of the water in the sea, (Name)'s eyes have become like a sparkling star in the sky. Which somehow light up Fukami's heart a little. An innocent smile directly towards him make his heart melt like an ice cream.

An ice cream that only (Name) can taste.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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