Seb removed his hand and watched intently, determined not to miss the slightest hint of movement. For a second his eyes were diverted by the still fading scar on her skin, a permanent reminder of what they'd been through, of how he'd nearly lost her and how their baby was something of a miracle.

"There!" She exclaimed in a hushed tone, pointing to a specific area. "Can you see it?!"

He watched closely and all of a sudden he could see it. To the right side of her belly button, there was movement just beneath her skin. While the Coronavirus pandemic had caused an awful lot of sorrow and problems in the world, the lockdown had also given him opportunities to spend time with his wife and children and to witness precious little moments such as this.

Although he hadn't replied, it was clear from the adoring smile on Seb's face that he'd seen L.J's movements for himself. It still felt weird to be able to feel a baby moving inside her and even weirder to be able to see it but at the same time it was magical and reassuring and gave her moments of sunshine among the grey clouds of her grief and homesickness that she'd felt since her nan's passing. The movements that swung from feeling like having big butterflies inside her to feeling like she had a wriggly worm or even that her uterus was being used a punch bag with some occasional painful little jabs never failed to make her smile and made her love Seb even more deeply than she ever thought possible, because all of this had only been possible because of him.

Feeling that she was looking at him, he lifted his gaze to meet hers and was immediately struck by the love in her eyes and the smile on her face. She bowled him over time after time and made him even more hopelessly besotted with her, like he was falling in love with her all over again. She moved to stand in front of him and linked her hands at the back of his neck to pull him in for a kiss. Yet again, he felt those sparks, the lust as if he was kissing her for the first time, remembering their instant deep attraction for each other as he closed his eyes, still able to see the Ferrari Berlinetta and feel her tongue exploring and searching for his as he'd pushed her back against the car and kissed her as if his very existence had depended on it. He remembered all too well the way she'd popped open every button on his jeans and slipped her inside in a very bold and forward move that had thrilled him and turned him on in equal measure. "Fuck I love you." He growled the words out in a fit of lust because he suddenly wanted her badly and then frustration because her bump stopped him from getting the full body contact he was starting to really miss.

"Maybe we should stop right here." She pushed on his chest to make him step back, taking in his wide eyes and blown pupils. After last night and the early wake up he'd given her this morning, she wasn't sure she had the energy for anymore. He was breathing rapidly, his face was a little flushed, he kept his gazed fixed on her; he never ceased to amazed her in how quickly he got turned on and it gave her a little kick and a huge boost of self confidence to know that she still had that effect on him, even at twenty-seven weeks pregnant, with a scar and newly formed stretch marks on her belly and the tops of her thighs.

"You seriously want to stop?" He asked breathily, disbelief evident in his voice.

"Seb....." She nibbled playfully on her bottom lip, knowing full well how it affected him when she did it.

"Chloe...." He reached out to caress her bottom lip with his thumb, freeing it from between her teeth at the same time.

Just as he'd been captured by the pretty green hues of her eyes before; she stood still, held fast by his hypnotic blue eyes as he continued to tenderly brush his thumb across her bottom lip again and again. She'd never tire of those eyes and those intense loving looks he frequently gave her, she'd never tire of gazing dreamily at his handsome face and she knew she'd never quite be able to believe that this man was really hers. He stepped closer again, his eyes flickered down to her lips and his hand snaked it's way to the back of her neck. He was going to kiss her again and she knew that he'd still want it to lead to more. "Seb....."

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