Chapter 5

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Hiccup POV

I smile at Crystal and she sits next to Toothless putting her head down.

"I thought all of the dragon trappers killed all of them", Eret said in a questioning tone.

"I guess not", I reply. Then my mom comes in with Cloudjumper.

"Hello son", she says as she comes over to me and hugs me. Crystal lifts her head up and immediately runs to Cloudjumper and taps his nose as he starts to play along.

He chases her and she ends up being on his head, Toothless just gives her a questioning look.

"I think someone's jealous", Astrid says while chuckling. Cloudjumper puts Crystal down and then she goes over to Toothless and licks his cheek, while he smiles. Then a terrible terror lands on my shoulder with a note on his belly. I take the note and read it:
Dear Hiccup, if you ever wanna see Sofia again come and get her or she dies.
                 Sincerely, Dagger.

"Who in the world is Sofia?", asks ruffnut.

"I don't know but let's find out",I say as Toothless comes closer and I get on the saddle.

"Hiccup who is this Dagger? What does he have to do with you?", my mom ask with a worried tone in her voice.

"He's someone we all know too well and that also tried to kill me", I say hoping she won't freak out.

"Well then, I'm coming with you", she said grabbing her armor and staff.

"Ok, but only come when we need you hide somewhere where no one will see you", I say as I look her in the eyes.

"Ok", is all she says.

"Alright then let's go", I say as Crystal walks next to me and Toothless getting ready to take off.

Eret, fishlegs, Astrid, Snotlout,  and the twins also got ready while ruffnut made kissy faces at Eret.


We arrived at Outcast Island and saw berzerkers ready to fight. Toothless roared and everyone swooped in and started fighting. I was wearing my helmet waiting for Dagger to show his face, I landed and looked around.

"Alright Toothless if something happens get my mom and Cloudjumper", I say to Toothless and walk away to help Astrid and stormfly. Then I hear that stupid Dagger.

"Hello Hiccup did you come for Sofia", he says with her and a knife to her throat.

"Dagger please don't", she pleads with a weak voice.

Toothless comes up behind me and growls at Dagger.

"What do you want with the girl Dagger?", I ask stepping closer.

"Oh, well didn't you know this beautiful girl right here is your sister", he says with an evil smirk.

"Dagger your lying, I don't have a sister", I say trying to keep my voice strong.

"Well, well I didn't think your dad ever told you did he", he says his grip getting tight on Sofia.

"Dagger let her go she has nothing to do with anything that you want from me", I say trying to convince him to let her go.

Toothless roars and my mom and Cloudjumper help fight. Dagger gets distracted and loosens his grip. She takes advantage ad grabs his arm flipping him over.

He falls over groaning as she collapses on the ground trying to catch her breath.

"Are you ok?", I ask while I help her up.

"I'm fine", she says in a strong and confident voice and grabs the knife from daggers hand and walks away with me trailing behind wondering who she was.


How was it? Good? Well good night I might update tomorrow. Byeeeee

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