Chapter 2

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A noise was soon heard which was a warp pad showing Steven. "Steven!" Connie smiled as she went to hug the boy. "What took so long?" "The Diamonds" Steven sighed to her. "They reeeally want me to move in." "Why?" Elena asked. "Because they wanna smother me with affection, 24/7." Steven replied. Connie giggled from that. "Sounds fun!" "No, it doesn't." Steven said before looking over. "Uh, Connie? Did you make some new friends while I was gone?" he asked. "Hello. I'm Hikaru Hoshina and I love space and constellations" said Hikaru. "Nice to meet you. I'm Steven Universe" Steven shook her hand. "These are my friends. Lala, Elena, Madoka, Yuni, Fuwa, and Prunce" Hikaru introduced her friends. "Whoa! Is that a real unicorn and alien?!" Steven asked surprised. "Fuwa is an alien too~fuwa" Fuwa explained. "Really? You don't look like one" said Steven. "Fuwa did before she turned into this form~lun" Lala explained. Steven noticed that Lala had an antennae. "Are you also an alien?" he asked. "Yes. Do you want to know how we greet people on my planet~lun?" said Lala. "Sure" Steven smiled. Lala looked down and the orbs on her antennae moved toward Steven. The boy looked down at Lala puzzled. "You touch the orbs~lun" Lala explained. Steven still looked puzzled, but he touched the orbs anyway. The orbs lit up. "That's a cute greeting" Steven chuckled.

"Well, I'm glad I got to see you before heading out." Connie told Steven. "You're really going through with it?" Steven asked her as everyone went outside. "Of course!" Connie smiled to Steven. "I've always wanted to go to space camp." "But you've literally been to space multiple times!" Steven told the human girl. "And you've done way cooler stuff than just camp there." "My parents are doing what they can to support my interests. It's sweet!" Connie smiled as she went to pick up her duffel bag. "Plus, I get all the free extra ice cream I can eat." "But Sadie Killer and the Suspects are playing tonight!" Steven pried to Connie. "Isn't a rock show a little better than space camp?" "It's maybe equal to space camp" Connie said before looking at her phone to get a message. "That's my mom. I should get going." The two hugged as Connie briefly turned away, blushing with her arms crossed before giving Steven a peck on the cheek. "Tell everyone at space camp that space used to be super scary and dangerous, but it's great now!" Steven quickly told Connie. Steven sighed as he was on his own, having a lot on his mind. "You okay, Steven?" Hikaru asked. "Yeah, I guess I'm just thinking." Steven smiled. Then Hikaru felt a song coming on.

"Here we are in the future, Here we are in the future and it's bright~" Steven began to sing. "Nothing to fear, No one to fight, I can't believe we've come so far, Happily ever after here we are~" The group began to follow Steven curiously. "Once upon a time, I thought I'd always be in my mother's shadow~," Steven sang, taking a photograph which had the Gems known as Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl on it. "Answering for her crimes I thought I'd always be in an endless battle, Until I began to hone, A power all my own~" "That I could feel growing stronger every day~" Steven smiled to his possible new friends. "And now I saved the world, Not just that; the whole galaxy saved, We did it!, Here we are in the future!~" Everyone went outside where Steven's dad and Pearl were. A lion was shown to be asleep as Pearl strummed a guitar while Greg sat back and relaxed. "Hey, Pearl! Hey, Dad!" Steven greeted. "'Ey, schtu-ball." Greg greeted back. "Who are your friends?" Steven introduced the girls and aliens to his dad and Pearl. "It's so good to meet you all" Pearl smiled. "It's good to meet you too. I see that you are holding a bass" said Madoka. "I told you that's how you said that." Greg told Pearl. "I still believe it's bass." Pearl replied, pronouncing like the fish name. "Trust me, it's 'base'." Madoka told her. "Excuse me, B-A-S-S spells 'bass'." Pearl said. "You're the boss." Greg replied. Madoka giggled. "Heck, yes, I am!" Pearl beamed, jumping to the top of the van.

"Once upon a time, I only lived to be of Pink Diamond's service~," Pearl began to sing to herself with Madoka beaming as her singing voice sounded very beautiful. "'Til the day the two of us snuck down to be on this planet's surface, We became our fantasy, And I was sure she set me free, But in the end I guess I never left her side, And after love and loss and all the tears that I cried, I find that~" Madoka patted Pearl on the hand in comfort who then smiled, appreciating said comfort. "Here we are in the future!~" Pearl and Steven smiled to each other. The pink lion yawned as the singing woke him up and he went out of the van. "A pink lion?! Glitterific!" Hikaru beamed. The pink lion sniffed her and put his paw on her face, seeming to like her a bit. "Hey, buddy," Steven said as he pet the lion on his forehead. "I'm going into town!" he told his father and Pearl. "See you at the concert?" Greg asked him. "Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Steven smiled as he stepped back and dove into Lion's mane. The girls' Star Color Pendants began to glow and Lion's mane opened to show them a way inside, and which was a world inside of the pink lion's mane. The group looked around in amazement as Steven hummed along before suddenly leaving with the others following him to go and see Garnet as they came out of a teenage boy's pink hair.

"How did that happen~de purunsu?" Prunce asked. "It must be our Star Color Pendants" said Hikaru. Garnet and a group were shown inside a donut restaurant called The Big Donut and soon took a hold of Steven with a smile to have him sit with her. "I saved you a seat." "Thanks, Garnet." Steven smiled. Then he introduced his new friends again. "Can you tell me what happens in my future? I'm dreaming of becoming a professional translator" said Elena. Garnet put her hand on Elena's shoulder. "I sense that you will make your dream come true." Garnet replied. "Really? That's great news!" Elena smiled. "Once upon a time, a Sapphire came to Earth with her Ruby soldier~," Garnet sang as she thought about when she was two separate beings before they did the Fusion Dance in order for her to exist. "Sapphire's deadly fate was set until the Ruby rushed in to hold her, Suddenly they were fusing, Beautiful, strange, confusing, And there I was, a bundle of questions, so naïve, That if you told me this I never would have believed you then but~" "Here we are in the future!~" Steven and Garnet sang together. "Let me just save this." Steven said as he made a pink bubble appear around a slice of cake before making it transport away. "Hey, any idea what Amethyst is up to?" "I have every idea what everyone is up to. You'll find her if you head to Little Homeworld. Take the Warp." Garnet smiled.

Steven and his new friends got on the warp pad and were transported away to Little Homeworld. As they went to walk off, they nearly fell off the edge after being transported. "Careful, dudes!" Amethyst smirked as she lassoed them with a whip, pulling them back over to safety. Then Steven and Amethyst exchanged a secret handshake. This time, Hikaru introduced herself and her friends. "Any friend of Steven's is a friend of mine" Amethyst smiled. Suddenly, the warp pad was lifted upwards and everyone began to hold on tight. "What's going on~lun?" Lala yelped. A rainbow-haired big figure and a mostly blue figure were seen on a platform attached to the crane which held the warp pad. "Steven!" The rainbow-haired figure told the curly-haired boy. "You're just in time. We're about to install the new warp." "Which means Little Homeworld is 83.7% complete!" A green figure added, floating by. "Only 83.7%?!" The blue girl asked the green one before flying off on a pair of wings that looked like they were made out of water. "We'd better get cracking!" "I'm on it!" The rainbow-haired figure replied, cranking the lever to lower the warp pad. "It looks glitterific!" Hikaru smiled at Little Homeworld. "Why, thank you!" The rainbow-haired figure replied. "By the way, that's Bismuth, Peridot, and the one who just left was Lapis Lazuli." Amethyst introduced. Hikaru introduced herself and her friends again. "Erm... Nice to, uh, meet you." Peridot said, trying to be social. "You all seem nice enough" Bismuth added.

Everyone looked down at all the Gems. "I love that all these Gems want to make their new home on Earth. Wish I'd had this when I first emerged." Amethyst said. Yuni looked curious of what Amethyst meant by that. But of course, she was about to find out. "Once upon a time I burst to life inside of the Kindergarten~," Amethyst sang about her backstory. "A product of a war that I had no idea I had a part in, I came out late and alone, Knew nothing but my home, But I know now exactly who I'm s'posed to be, And it's a part of this family!~" Then the warp pad was placed in the center of Little Homeworld. "So...What do ya think?" Amethyst asked Steven after they landed. "If I could stop right here and be~," Steven sang as Garnet and Pearl warped in and he soon took out his phone to take a picture with all of his Crystal Gem friends. "Finally done, Finally us, Finally we... Are in the future~" "Here we are in the future and it's bright~" Steven and the others sang as they were now running across a field of grass. Hikaru and her friends followed Steven and the Crystal Gems. "Nothing to fear, no one to fight~," Steven and the Gems sang together. "I can't believe we've come so far~" "Happily ever after~" Steven sang. "Happily ever after~" The Gems sang. "Here we are~" Steven and the Gems sang.

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