Up and coming

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It had been a few months, Kevin had gotten to grips with the challenges faceit had brought and managed to be invited to FPL Challenger League. The importance of having a team was in Kevin's head whenever he went into a match with teammates who were only out to grief or were toxic. With the thoughts of joining a team lingering in his head, he began to be open to offers from the semi-professional teams he had encountered in FPL-C ( Faceit pro league challenger ).

Kevin had evaluated the few offers on the table, being at a semi-professional level it was the first time he had seen real contracts given to him requiring a signature, unlike the ones he had received from amateur teams looking for a matchmaking stack. Upon evaluating his offers alongside his parents, he had decided on joining Team Stinky, the roster consisting of fellow hotshots in the Singaporean scene with the lineup being that of :

Kevin Peh ( Pekkanator )
Steven Cho ( pound3r )
Ryan Heng ( Kabcam )
Johnny Ong ( JuizePeppez )
Simon Zeng ( dowges )

The familiar face of JuizePeppez was a pleasant surprise to say the least for Kevin, but nevertheless, he was grateful for the opportunity to play with him again due to his endearing help in improving Kevin's communicative skills.

With his new team, Kevin had his eyes set on gaining promotion to FPL alongside his own personal goal of getting a girlfriend which he had always eluded to but had never gotten the chance to have one as he was addicted in his school years and never showed interest in the girls present in his school.

However, all matters in his personal life had to take a back seat as he began scrimmages and boot camping with his new teammates, learning more and more about them everyday. Despite his social shortcomings, Kevin had began to bond with his new teammates more easily than he had with others in the past due to him finally having people to talk to about the game he had loved for the longest time, Counter Strike.

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