Chapter 15: The Time Turner, Saving Buckbeak and Going Home

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The only ones left in the office now, was Snape, Harry and Dumbledore himself. Snape looks at the time turner with curiosity, then looks at Dumbledore. Dumbledore said, "Severus, you now know how the time turner works. Take Harry with you. He can assist you in rescuing Buckbeak. Buckbeak will be tethered in the pumpkin patch, behind Hagrid's hut. Once you rescue him, bring him here. If all goes well, Buckbeak will be saved from the execution. Sirius can take Buckbeak to his home and care for him there." Dumbledore adds as the bell of the clock tower begins to sound, "You must return here before the final bell rings. The consequences of failing to return are too disasterous to discuss. Remember this, both of you: Neither of you must be seen. Severus, 3 turns should do it. Good luck." Snape bows to Dumbledore, and turns to Harry. Snape said, "Let's go, Harry. We need to rescue, Buckbeak the hippogriff." Harry said, "You do believe me that Buckbeak is innocent, don't you, dad?" Snape said, "Yes, I do, Harry. Please come here." Harry relaxes and said, "Ok, dad. Let's go save Buckbeak." Snape smiles as Harry goes over and stands next to him. Once Harry reaches Snape, Snape puts the chain around Harry's neck and said, "We will be going back in time. 3 hours back to be exact. Around the time Dumbledore went down to Hagrid's hut with the Ministry officials." Harry said, "Oh.... So, we're going to untether Buckbeak and hide somewhere until Fudge and the others leave, dad?" Snape nods, "That is what I have planned." Harry nods, "Ok, dad. Ready when you are." Snape turns the hourglass 3 times. The office dissolves as Harry feels a sensation of flying fast, backwards. He watches as everything goes in reverse. Colors and shapes rushes past him as he watches wide-eyed. Suddenly, his feet touches solid ground. Everything around them starts to come into focus again. They look around the now, empty office. Snape removes the time turner from around their necks and pockets it. Snape said, "We need to move quickly, Harry." Harry nods as he follows Snape out of the office and down the moving staircase. They continue to move quickly, making sure they weren't seen. They stop at the double doors and open the doors a crack. There on the other side of the doors was Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. Their backs to the doors. Across from them was Ron, Hermione and Harry himself. Harry looks wide-eyed as his whispers quietly, "This is so weird, seeing myself, dad." Snape, who was looking a bit bewildered himself at seeing Harry with his friends and Harry next to him, said, "Likewise, Harry." They watch as Hermione punches Malfoy in the face, knocking Mafoy to the ground. Snape smirks as he mutters, "Well done, Miss. Granger." Snape watches as Malfoy gets up and hurries to the doors where they are. Snape said, "Move quickly, Harry!" He grabs Harry, quickly enters an empty room nearby and watches through the crack of the door as Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, run past them. They heard Malfoy say as he continues running, "I'm going to get that jumped up mudblood! Mark my words!" Snape mutters under his breath, "We'll see about that." Snape sighs and whispered, "We were nearly seen by Mr. Malfoy." Harry said, "That was close, dad." Snape said, "Indeed." Snape looks around a bit and said, "The coast is clear. Let's go, Harry." Harry nods as they leave the empty room and go out the double doors as quickly as they could. Once outside, they go down to Hagrid's hut. They quickly hide in the pumpkin patch just a few feet away from Buckbeak and wait. Snape and Harry could now hear voices inside. Harry listens as he hears his own voice whisper, "It's us. We're wearing the invisibility cloak. Let us in and we can take it off." Hagrid whispered, "You shouldn've come!" Hagrid stands back, then a moment later, shuts the door. Snape whispered, "Come on, Harry. We need to get closer to Buckbeak, in order to rescue him." They move closer until they can see Buckbeak tethered to the fence, by the pumpkin patch. Buckbeak was looking nervous. Harry said, "When do we rescue him, dad?" Snape said, "After the Ministry Officials see him." Harry said, "Ok, dad. Guess we wait now." Snape nods, "Yes, Harry. We wait." At that moment, they heard a crash of breaking china from inside the hut. Harry said, "That's Hagrid breaking the milk jug. Hermione's going to find Scabbers in a minute." Sure enough, a few minutes later, they heard Hermione scream in surprise. Snape hears the sound of distant doors closing. He looks towards the castle and nudges Harry. Harry looks at the direction Snape was looking and saw Dumbledore, Fudge, the old Committee member and Macnair the executioner, walking down towards Hagrid's hut. Snape and Harry quickly look towards Hagrid's hut to see Hagrid's back door open. Harry saw himself, Ron and Hermione walk out with Hagrid. Hagrid said, "It's ok, Beaky, it's ok." Hagrid turns to Harry, Ron and Hermione and said, "Go on. Get going." Harry listens as he heard himself say, "Hagrid, we can't!" Then he heard Hermione say, "We'll tell them what really happened!" Harry listens as Ron said, "They can't kill him!" Snape and Harry watched quietly as Hagrid said, "Go! It's bad enough without you lot in trouble and all!" They watch as Hermione in the pumpkin patch throws the invisibility cloak over them and herself. They listened as Hagrid said, "Go quick! Don't listen!" Snape and Harry watched as the execution party arrive at Hagird's hut.

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