Jilly~ Pretending

Start from the beginning

"Why are we standing on your bed?"

Jax erupted into a fit of giggles. "Have you never jumped on a bed before?"

"Can't say I have. I had to share a bed with my siblings and then had bunk beds in the dorms." 

Jax smiled and grabbed both of her hands and then started to jump. Gilly laughed at how ridiculous he looked. A fourteen year old, prince, jumping on a bed. Despite this, it didn't take long for her to join him. 

They both started to get tired, so they fell onto their backs. As they were facing each other in the bed, staring into the other's eyes, both of them felt something in their stomachs. As if something was compelling them to get closer. Jax took a deep breath and started to slowly inch closer...

All of the sudden there was knocking on the door and a voice that followed. "Jax! I heard you're back!" They quickly sat up and Jax walked up to the door as Gilly quickly straightened herself up.

"Hello Henry!" Jax said as he opened the door to reveal his steward. "Uh, Henry, this is Gilly, Gilly, this is Henry." He said, gesturing between the two.

Henry's eyes widened. "The Gilly? They Gilly that you-" Jax elbowed him, "The Gilly that... you're friends with... I mean uh, thank you so much for helping to save the kingdom. It's a real pleasure to meet you!"

"Oh, pleasure to meet you too! Um, I didn't save the kingdom excactly. First my friends helped me and uh now, well there's still work to do. But uhm, thank you." Gilly glanced at Jax, a sudden nervousness washing over her.

There was another knock at the door and Jax opened it to a lady-in-waitings. "Hello your highness! I were sent here to assist Miss Gillian with getting ready for dinner." Gilly tilted her head. 

"Oh okay..." She walked over to the girl, "You can just call me Gilly by the way. What do we need to do exactly?"

"Just a washing up, dress, and hairdo. Nothing too fancy if that works for you Miss, er, Gilly."

Jax smirked, "See you later, thief, have fun!" She rolled her eyes and followed the lady-in-waiting down the hallway. 

"So, what's your name?" Gilly asked, trying to strike up conversation. 

"Caroline," she said with a smile. Caroline opened a door to a large bathroom. "Would you like assistance with your bath, or would you just like to call me when you're done. 

"Uh, I'll call you when I'm done, thanks." As Caroline left Gilly alone in the bathroom, Gilly wondered if ladies-in-waitings actually helped princesses take baths. She found it strange to have someone else bathe you.

Needless to say, the bath she took was the most relaxing one in her life. The water was warm and soothing and Caroline had put some sent thing in the water that made Gilly feel calm. When she was finished drying off, she put on the under garments and under dress that Caroline left hanging in the room. 

When the lady-in-waiting returned, she was holding a blue dress that was simple but Gilly couldn't help but wonder how much it cost. She looked in the mirror at herself and found that she looked quite flattering. 

Caroline did her hair in a waterfall braid and added a flower clip to the back. When Gilly looked at herself again, she knew she looked like a princess. She felt kind of bad that it was all pretend and she was getting this treatment undeserved.

For some reason, Gilly wasn't allowed to go back to Jax's room before dinner. Caroline told her that it was special to wait to see your princess until dinner. So Gilly was now wandering the halls, hoping she wasn't somewhere she shouldn't be. 

Eventually though, Caroline found her and led her to the dining hall. Gilly slowly walked in, noticing only Jax's father, Eugene- Raz's husband, and Jax himself. When Jax saw her, his heart skipped a beat. To him she looked drop dead gorgeous. His father and brother-in-law noticed his gawking and both smiled. 

"You clean up nicely, thief." It's what he said to her every time she looked all fancy. But that wasn't enough for his heart apparently. "Now really, like wow Gilly. You look stunning." 

Gilly blushed and took her seat next to him. She thought he was only saying that for the show. So his father would really be convinced. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." 

Another time skip because i dont feel like writing about them eating

Dinner was amazing. It was the best Gilly had ever eaten. After they finished eating, the two went back to "their" room. Jax grabbed some night clothes from a drawer as Gilly rummaged through her trunk looking for her nightgown. She let out a frustrated groan. Jax came up behind her and laid his chin on her shoulder.

"Whats the matter sticky fingers?"

"I can't find it! I could've sworn I packed my nightgown." 

Jax thought for a moment before going back over to his dresser. He dug through on of his drawers before turning back to her. "You can have these. If you want. They might be a bit big on you, but I'm sure it's more comfortable than whatever a princess would wear. Or if you want we can get you a night gown from Raz's old clothes."

Gilly took the clothes from him, "These'll do. Thank you Jax. Gilly went to the bathroom to get changed whereas Jax stayed in the room. While Jax was in the middle of changing, Gilly rushed into the room.

"Fiddlesticks! I'm sorry, I needed to grab socks from my trunk." She quickly averted her gaze as Jax threw his clothes on. A moment later she came back from the bathroom, her hair loose, and in Jax's clothes. 

He was right, they were way too big for her. That isn't to say he didn't think she looked absolutely adorable in them. They both awkwardly laid down in the bed together. They tried to put a distance between them, but when Gilly was asleep, she accidentally rolled over to Jax. He was still awake, not being able to fall asleep when his crush was practically on top of him.

AN: DO NOT SPOIL CURSED I'M ONLY ON CHAPTER THREE I JUST GOT IT TODAY! I ALREADY GOT IT SPOILED FROM PINTREST SO I DON'T NEED ANY MORE PLEASE AND THANK YOU! okay love ya <3 should I make this a multiple part story? I kinda think it's cute. okie byeeeeeeeee

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