"Oh, we never run out of people to rob!" Arthur exclaims in laughter.

"But without me, you'll not find the caliber of victim that I find." Trelawny boats, causing the girl to roll her eyes. Abby had forgotten at how vain the man could be.

"You alright, Javier? You're quiet..." Arthur asks the man riding behind him, changing up the conversation a bit.

"He hasn't stop talking since we left you in Valentine. It was the longest ride of my life." Javier informs Arthur, causing the girl to smirk at the thought.

"Cute, dear boy, very cute..."

"That he is." Abby chimes, jokingly.

"Oh, am I now?" Javier perks up. Kinking his head at woman behind him. Abby tucks her face shyly away from sight. Immediately hiding her bashfulness behind a fit of laughter.

"You got something to tell me?" Arthur asks, bringing down the playful atmosphere. Abby immediately frowns at his tone.


"Don't act stupid. We all know you ain't anything but that." Arthur grumbles toward his little sister.

A uncomfortable silence lingers for a moment.
"I believe he's questioning your relationship with Mr. Escuella, dear." Trelawny informs the girl, whose eyes practically bulge out of their sockets.

"There isn't anything to question."

"Doesn't seem that way with all the flirting going on." Arthur confronts.

"We're just teasing, Arthur. It's nothing but good ol' funRight Javier?" She explains, turning the attention back onto the man.

"Whatever you say, Hermosa." He chimes, a smirk plastered across his face. Clearly he enjoyed watching her squirm in question.

Just before she could verbally scold the man, Trelawny speaks up.

"Apparently there's a camp somewhere around here. Where the bounty hunters meet and transfer before continuing out west. I imagine that's where they're headed."

"Look they've stopped." Abby points out, causing the boys to halt their horses near the cliff.

"Alright, let's take a closer look. Binoculars, gentlemen." Trelawny instructs.

"So who are these bounty hunters?" Arthur asks, while peering through his binoculars.

"Don't know too much about Ike Skelding's boys, but I heard they're a big crew, wild. Built some reputation in the last year or two."

"That looks like Sean to me." Javier comments.

"Definitely kicking up enough a fuss."

"Oh, they're giving him a decent kicking!" Javier laughs out at the sight. Abby huffs, irritated in not being able to see for it herself.

"Well, you can only imagine the shit he's been giving them." Arthur states, bringing everyone to a smile.

"They are taking him up the canyon."

"There's Charles up on the other side—Let's go." Arthur says, before stuffing his binoculars back into his horses satchel.

"What about the other two down there?" Javier asks, following behind the other men's horses.

"Ive got an idea—follow me."


"Leave it to me, gentlemen. I'll go around and create a distraction, then you two sneak across and do the dirty on them." He instructs, before turning toward the woman.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐚 - 𝐽𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑠𝑐𝑢𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 (under-construction )Where stories live. Discover now