I won't Let You Go!

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After the kiss Björn didn't know what to do, he felt like never before. He never genuinely liked a girl like he did with her, she was perfection.

Björn was dreaming into her eyes when she asked him "are you alright?" Björn quickly looked away and said "yeah I'm fine, I like your eyes" Anna laughed a little and Björn was glad she didn't think he was being weird or creepy. She understood at that moment that he really liked her like no one else.

"so what now?" Björn said to her, "well I was waiting on the train but I can take one later, it's nearby" Björn asked if he could walk with her, and she gladly said yes, "so where do you live?" Björn asked Agnetha hoping she would be close to him.

"I live in Jönkoping" and you? Björn became a bit silent before answering "Stockholm, that's a bit far" Agnetha also seemed to be a little sad of the fact that they were so far away from eachother. Björn quickly took action and gave her his phone number. "Here you go love" Agnetha felt butterflies because of what he just called her, "thank you Björn I will call you when I'm home" Agnetha replied as they walked to the train station. They talked about what food they liked and what pets they had, before they knew it they arrived at the station. With a bad feeling in their gut that had to say goodbye, for now.

"Anna I just have to say that you are one of a kind, the others should learn from you" Agnetha had to give him a hug after that, "you are one of a kind too" the train arrived, Björn gave her a kiss on the head and said goodbye, Agnetha stepped in the train holding her tears as she waved goodbye. The train started moving and Björn wanted to go with her, but he knew that they only met one day.

He got a call from Anna in about 1-2 hours, he answered nervously and she happily said she was safe and home. Björn was glad that she was safe and he could finnaly sleep.

He layed in his bed thinking about her
"finally! she is so friendly and beautiful, and she has a cute accent" that night he slept holding his pillow as if it was her. Björn said to himself "I should call her tommorow" and dreamed about her the whole night. He didn't care if he had to travel so far, as long as he has her In his arms everything would be good.

End of chapter 3

we meet again, when we are olderWhere stories live. Discover now