Operation Hellbreaker, Part 1: Infiltration

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3 months earlier...

Multiple hostiles dotted the rocky landscape of the planet Miernos. There were multiple caves that served as entrances to the underground base of the rebels stationed here, and I was determined to take them down.

2nd Liutenant Anthony Varin groaned in complaint.

"Ugh, why can't we just have the Verity fire a couple rounds into the hillside and blow up the place?"

I sighed, and turned to Anthony.

"Because, there are civilians in there. We don't want to kill the local population."

"They're collateral damage. So what?"

"Do you want more people to rebel against us?"


"Exactly. Then shut it, and stick to the plan."

The small dropship we were standing in silently flew over the mountainside, the cover of the night sky keeping it hidden from wandering eyes. Anthony and I jumped from the opened bay doors, parachuting down to a ledge above the caves. I counted eleven rebels, two guarding each of the four entrances, with a three man patrol walking up and down the pathways along the rocky slope.

I nodded silently to Anthony, and we slid down from the ledge and quickly dispatched the guards on the highest platform. I checked the radar for any signs of us being detected, but luckily, there weren't. I heard the patrol heading up here, so I motioned for Anthony to quickly move one of the bodies into the brush, as I did the same with the other one.

The patrol began getting closer, and I crouched down, readying my silenced rifle, and taking aim, gunning down the three patrolmen.

We moved their bodies out of sight, and began our stealthy walk down the sloped terrain, taking down the other guards. Finally, we eliminated the last pair, and turned to the cave entrance.

"Into the hornet's nest we go, Liutenant. You ready?"

"Physically? Yes. Mentally? Not by a long shot."

"Well get ready, dude. We have a big fight ahead of us."

Anthony sighed and shrugged.

"Whatever you say, Boss."

We both readied our weapons, and took the plunge into the dark unknown. Neither of us were truly prepared for what we were about to find out.

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