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Today, I feel like cra-cranberries.
Trampled cranberries.
An ocean filled with trampled cranberries.

But siriusly, I feel like I was made into a smoothie.
Well, more like my brain became a smoothie.
And it did not help that my mom decided to bring me with her to the mall.
Not at all.
It does not help that I've been feeling stressed lately.
Not at all.

I'm glad I've made a random thoughts book though.
It's kind of a way to let out my bottled up feelings.
Pretty much, I would say this book is my therapist.
My mute, emotionless therapist.
Makes sense.
And by bottled up feelings, I mean annoyance or stress or other negative emotions.
Eh, I kind of have this bad habit to keep a bit of my feelings to myself.
Eh, at least I have sad fics.

Anyways, this is probably the most boring chappie I'll ever post.
Whale, maybe.
Eh, I think I'm going to go hibernate for twenty-four hours.
My brain is still a smoothie.
Now I want a smoothie.
Just great.
Like grated cheese.
And this is what a lack of sleep and a trip to the mall will do to me.
Sometimes, I hate malls.
And tomorrow, there's school.

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