Complications Loving You

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3rd Person P.O.V

"Sirius!" Y/N yells when she sees her best friend on the platform. She runs up to him, dropping her stuff with her parents, and jumps on top of him. He grabs her, holding her close to him. He laughs and sets her down. When she's on the ground, she grabs him into a hug again. 

"Jeez, Y/N. You're going to crush my spine if you squeeze any harder." He says, his breath becoming shallow, and she lets go of him. He dramatically takes in a breath of air, making her laugh and roll her eyes. They walk to where her parents are with her stuff.

"Sirius, dear. How are you?" Her mother asks, hugging him. He hugs back with a smile. He loves Y/N's family so much. 

"Oh, you know my mother. But other than dealing with her, I'm fine." He says, shrugging and smiling at the two adults. Y/N's father smiles and also hugs him. Y/N grabs her trunk from her dad, hugs both of her parents once more, and gets on the train with Sirius behind her. She spots Remus with a book in his hand and eating a chocolate bar. She walks into the compartment and smiles at him. He doesn't notice Sirius or Y/N yet until she interrupts his reading.

"Good book? You didn't even acknowledge your two best friends." She says, and his head shoots up, eyes wide with a matching smile.

He stands up and gives Y/N a big hug. He pulls Sirius in for a group hug, always joyful to see any of his best friends. 

"Where's James and Peter?" Sirius asks, setting his trunk under the seat next to Remus'. 

"Went to the bathroom. Idiots drank too much pumpkin juice, not thinking they'd have to use the restroom." Y/N rolls her eyes and says something about going to the restroom. She stands up and walks out of the compartment. Remus watches her walk away before turning to Sirius. He raises her eyebrows expectantly.

"What?" Sirius chuckles.

"You and Y/N?" He asks, confused about when that happened and why he didn't get a letter.

"What about me and Y/N?" Sirius asks, genuinely confused about what his best friend is talking about. 

"Wait," Remus pauses and laughs. "Oh, this is classic. You're not dating?" 

"No! What do you mean, classic?" Sirius asks. 

"Pads, it is painfully obvious you like each other." He says, grabbing his chocolate bar and book. Sirius is about to speak again, but the door opens, and in walks Y/N. She smiles at the boys, going in her trunk to grab her sketchbook. The train lurches forward before she sets the charcoal pencil on the paper. She chuckles, and Sirius watches her look out of the window as they start Hogwarts' journey.

"Y/N! Sirius!" They hear a familiar voice. They turn and see James and Peter. Y/N stands up and hugs both of them. She sits down and goes back to her sketchbook. Sirius, James, and Peter talk about their summer while Y/N and Remus do their separate things. 

"So, Pads, any girl you have eyes on yet?" James asks, nudging him with his elbow. He briefly glances at Y/N as she shades in her drawing. He looks back at the boys and shrugs. 

"Maybe. Only time will tell." He replies. James raises his eyebrows, noticing the way Pads looked at Y/N. He flickers his eyes to Y/N, then to Sirius, eyebrows still raised. Pads' face turns a shade of pink. 

"Be careful, yeah?" Peter advises, and Sirius chuckles. They change the subject, and Y/N looks at her drawing of the Black Lake under the moonlight. She smiles fondly at it and puts her book back in her trunk. 

They arrive at Hogwarts and walk to the Great Hall. They take their seats amongst their fellow Gryffindors. Sirius eyes a girl sitting next to Remus, and he smiles at her. She smiles back, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and whispering to her friends next to her. Y/N is across from him and sees this, knowing this year wouldn't be any different. James nudges her softly, knowing her secret since 3rd year. 

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