"I know who you are," Cathy snapped at Margaret in a cold tone, "Where is my husband?"

Cathy rocked slightly as her son began to cry. From the corner of her eye, she could see someone approaching. She turned her head, only to have her eyes widen at the sight of a woman she knew must have George's sister Lizbeth.

Despite not truly looking like her mother, it was obvious that Lizbeth was Nora's daughter just by the way she carried herself.

Lizbeth stopped at the other end of the hallway, her eyes widening at the sight of Cathy Gordon.

Cathy uneasily pressed a kiss to the top of her son's head and turned her attention back to Margaret, who was quick to point out what Cathy had failed to do.

"Please curtsey to the Queen," She insisted in a stern tone.

Cathy sighed, turning her attention back toward Lizbeth as she curtsied as best as she could while holding her son.

"This way," Margaret finally spoke up and walk in the opposite direction of where Lizbeth was standing, Cathy following soon after her.

Outside, Lord Stanley led George into the courtyard. Once doing so, he came to a stop and pointed down toward a large pile of horse dung. "Clear the dung and scrub the steps," He instructed George as he held out a shovel for him to take.

"I've already told you. I will do nothing to debase myself," George argued as he turned to glare at the man.

Inside, Margaret had purposely come to a stop when the nearest window gave Cathy a clear view of her husband wearing peasant clothes.

Worried, Cathy rushed over to the window and looked down at her husband.

"And when you've finished, you will bring this noble lady's belongings inside," Lord Stanley continued on as he ignored what George had said.

"I will not—" George began to argue, only to be cut off as he was shoved forward by two guards.

He grunted, his face nearly colliding with the horse dung.

Inside, Cathy turned to Margaret with a look of disbelief on her face. "What is he doing?" he asked, a deeply concerned look on her face.

"His claims are false," Lizbeth suddenly spoke up after appearing. She walked toward Cathy, a cold look on her face, "He is a servant."

"He is your brother!" Cathy exclaimed, a betrayed look on her face as she looked at Lizbeth, "Your last brother."

"Your marriage is annulled," Margaret suddenly butted in, knowing the look on Lizbeth's face all too well. She was starting to believe Cathy.

"It was made under false pretenses," Margaret argued, causing Cathy to begin to glare at the woman.

"The only thing false is your son's claim to the throne," Cathy growled at Margaret, who was quick to do what she did to Lizbeth whenever she used to say something like that. Ignore it by acting as though she never heard it.

   Outside, Lord Stanley tossed the shovel to George, who was in the middle of pushing himself up and off the ground. "Your wife and son are here at court," He informed George in a calm tone, causing George to lift his head and stared up at Lord Stanley in alarm.

  "You shall resume your maiden name, and your son will be called a bastard," Margaret continued on inside the castle, causing Cathy's eyes to widen as she glanced between Margaret and Lizbeth, "But you will be treated in accordance with your royal birth."

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