We all laughed as I waved my hand and made it so Kol couldn't talk as he freaked out and tried screaming I waved my hand again and he could talk


Destiny- I said shut up, That was a warning

Klaus- you better watch yourself Lil brother

Freya- Des what are you doing to my lovely brother?

Destiny- lovely? He's one of my best friends yet he is still not lovely.

Rebekah- I agree with Des.

As Rebekah and Hayley walked in the kitchen

Hayley- we are going to the beach I can see

I nodded as they all leave but Klaus to get ready for the beach, as the kids came in all ready

Hope- mom make Henrik stop

Destiny- stop what?

Henrik- I didn't do anything

Hope- bullshit you broke my mirror

Klaus- language Hope!

Hope- sorry but he broke my mirror!

Destiny- you have magic don't you? Fix it.

Alexa- I doesn't know the spell

Destiny- your to little right now lex... maybe a little later on Hope can teach you.

Alexa- YAY!

We then walked to the door were everyone was and we all headed out the door to the beach down the street. It was beautiful I loved the beach it was the one place I knew that life was beautiful and peaceful, I decided to take pictures with Klaus for a instagram picture. We ran into the water and went underwater for a minute as Rebekah took the picture.
Destiny.Mikaelson posted

Mikaelson posted

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Destiny.Mikaelson- even this sunset isn't as gorgeous as my husband. @Klaus.Mikaelson
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Klaus.Mikaelson: not as gorgeous as you luv #AlwaysAndForever!

Elijah.Mikaelson: both of my favorite people! #AlwaysAndForever

Damon.Salvatore: this is why Klaus is so cocky! Lol

Stephen.Salvatore: #couplegoals!!! Like always!

Freya.Mikaelson: Love you both!! #AlwaysAndForever

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