Chapter 1: discovery

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"Ugh" you groaned in one of the stalls in the girls bathroom.
You were throwing up a bunch of yellow flower petals which you assumed as yellow hyacinths with your blood smudged and mixed on it.
You figured out 3 days ago that you have the infamous 'Hanahaki disease'. Why you had this was not a mystery but it caused you shock and great pain and suffering.
You, (L/N), (Y/N) ; were walking down the streets that would lead you to your house alongside Akaashi Keiji, your childhood friend since 5 years of age, neighbour, and long time crush/ first love. You were thinking about how pretty he was inside out and how lucky you were to know him long enough.
Both of you were walking in comfortable silence until Akaashi decides to break it, "(Y /N) I have something to tell you" he says "hm?" you hum in curiosity, "I think I like Sasaki Yume" he finishes.

You felt like breaking and crying but you decide not to do so. Sasaki Yume one of your classmates alongside Akaashi currently and yeah she's a social butterfly and somewhat kind and funny and one of the most popular people in the school not due to her grades but because of her visuals, she has that feminine vibe that attracts the boys a lot therefore also considering her as a heartbreaker.

Blinking out of your shocked state that your almost expressionless friend has romantic feelings, you keep up a façade of joy saying "Oh really now, congrats Keiji, I'll be supporting you, for a second there you startled me because I thought you would say "I like bokuto-san" which would've been hilarious as hell but hey at least you ain't gay, I'm happy for you".

You were on the verge of crying whilst saying those words yet you chose to be strong and to support him, "I would never be gay for Bokuto-san (Y/N), but thank you it means a lot to me." as he thanked you both of you have reached each other's houses."bye Keiji, I'll be rooting for you" you spoke out loud "yeah thanks, bye, see you tomorrow." and with that you both bid goodbye and entered your houses.

As you stepped inside your house you called out to know if anyone was home yet no one answered so you figured out that your parents might've been off to visit your older brother in university, so you've just decided to eat something not to hard to make like cup noodles, as you were eating your dinner you felt the tears fall one by one and with that you let all your pent up sadness frustrations and cry your broken heart out.

As you were crying you cleaned up and you went up to your room to prepare for bed until you felt the need to cough up and throw up so you went to the bathroom and coughed up violently and when you looked at the sink there was blood and flower petals all over "What is this? why am I coughing petals and blood?! This isn't a dream right?!" you continuously talked to your self, to check whether you really were dreaming you pinched your cheek and spoke in realization and out of sheer shock " I really am not dreaming huh?".

That night you researched about what was happening to you and you found out that you have the 'Hanahaki Disease' and you learned about what could happen to you and what you could do. You chuckled out loud and sighed " I really am love sick huh?" and you sobbed once more " Why can't Keiji see that I love him so dearly" and with that you cried to sleep.


As you walked out of the bathroom you muttered something under your breath. when you turned around the corner you saw Kaori, Yukie, and Bokuto and all of them instantly noticed you then looked at your clenched fist with shock, "(Y/N)!! whats wrong with your hand?" all 3 of them said simultaneously as they saw a bit of blood dripping out of your fist,"uh-oh" you said as you found yourself in deep trouble.

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