Chapter One

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Picture of Summer Marie and her dress. Thank you for reading! _________________________________

I looked in the mirror, checking if my attire is appropriate for today's occasion. My mother and father are hosting a buisness dinner between our pack and The Crimson Pearl pack. Our pack, The Lotus Moon pack, have found multiple rogues crossing our territory. We are siding with packs just in case a big fight happens between rogues and other packs. I applied makeup on my face which consisted of foundation, mascara, and my ruby red lipstick before I slipped on my black heels, straightened out my dress, and made my way downstairs.

"Summer, you look so beautiful in that dress!" My mother complimented.

"Thank you" I smiled, "When is the guest pack expected to come?" I asked kind of hoping I would find my mate tonight but at the same time I kind of don't want one, most of my freedom would vanish if I find my mate.

"Any second now, head to the living room, your brother and father are over there, let them know you're ready." I made my way towards the living room, my heels clicking against the polished wood floor.

"Mom told me to tell you that I'm ready." I said towards my father.

He turned around, his eyes showing proudness of what I had become.

"Summer, you look just like your mother." He commented. My friends and family had always said that I looked like my mom and I had no problem with that, she is quite beautiful. A blush made its way to my cheeks as I smiled. My brother Colton had yet to come downstairs. He spends more time getting ready more than I do. Its ridiculous.

"Hey Summer." I heard a masculine voice say. I looked up and it was Aiden. He is Coltons best friend. I met him when I was in elementary school and since then we've been good friends but when we reached highschool he wanted to be more than friends. I turned down his offer because I knew that we would get very close and if I suddenly found my mate, everything would be a disaster and I wouldn't want to go through that.

"Hi Aiden." I greeted him back with a smile. He is actually handsome. He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His lips are a ruby red colour and Jesus his bod-

"Done drooling over me?" He smirked.

"What? Me? Drooling over you?" I pointed my finger at him. I sighed in relief, I still have slight feelings for Aiden but it cant and wont be more than a friendship beetween the both of us. Colton still hasn't came downstairs and the guest pack has arrived. "COLTON! THEIR HERE!" I yelled for him, suddenly hearing his footsteps thudding quickly downstairs. I groaned as I stood up and fixed my dress. All three of us stood behind my mother and father waiting to greet the guest pack. My father opened the door and my eyes automatically connected with a pair of black eyes that stared at me with lust and adoration. His scent hit me like a truck and I knew then, that I had finally met my mate.

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