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Ida never did great at school. Her grades weren't terribly low. But they were nothing to be proud of, still. Unluckly, sudents of Nissen we're very competitve. Some would go as far as sneaking sly comments behind your back, if ever you'd get a low or mediocre grade. That's just the way most of those kids valued others. Based on grades and a few other things. For example, if you are wealthy, popular and good looking, nothing else matters. And the Penetrator boys are just that. Filthy rich, beautiful, known and loved by all. The superstar-third graders of Nissen have been glorified for years now. Ida had even heard about them back in middleschool, when the girls were boy-crazy about them, and the boys wanted to be just like them. Now that she's a first year, she sees them five days a week. To other girls, seeing the boys is the highlight of their boring school day. But in Ida Dahl's case, she dreads walking past them, because of one guy in particular. He is a direct reminder of her father. And anything that reminded Ida of Evan needed to be avoided. But avoiding the Penetrators proved easier said than done.


"Can't we sit over here?" Ida asked, gripping her tray of food as she and her friends walked around the caffeteria.
"I want to sit next to the window! Besides, Williams table is next to that one" Vilde lead the way.
"Come on" Eva whispered with a sour smile, touching Ida's shoulder supportingly. The both of them have grown to be so close to eachother. So much so that the red head became the only person that knows about Ida's dad leaving, and his connection to Penetrator Chistoffer Schistad.
Noora and Sana joined the table moments later, smiles plastered over their faces.

The penetrators signature table was empty for about 10 minutes, before the crew made their appearance. Indeed theirs was exactly next to the girls table, as Vilde said. She was eager to greet them before they even sat down properly. William gave her a faint smile and a 'hi girls' in return,as did some other members of the crew.
The blondes eyes lightened up even more at his acknowledgement of her, and she started eating with a proud grin on her face.
The caffeteria was so packed, with more students coming in by the minute. Peoples chairs and tables were squashed together, you could barely get to or leave your table. It was always like this during lunch time.
Eva felt the need to protect her best friend more than anyone else, but that was virtually impossible. She couldn't keep her away from Chris and his mother, as much as she wanted to. Mrs Schistad was the English teacher and also the schools principal. Ida also thought of her as the woman who stole her father from her mother. Of course, she couldn't hold any real blame against Mrs Schistad. It was in no way her fault that Evan didn't care about his family. But Ida couldn't help but see her and her son as the source of her pain. And rightfully so.

A few moments later, Chris Schistad walced into the caffeteria in all his fame and glory. His name was being called by a couple people at once, as everyone wanted to get his attention, and he didn't mind at all. Yes he found most people annoying, but he loved being popular. It was the only thing he felt he was good at. Ida cleared her throat, and stared at her hands in her lap, as if not looking at him will make him dissapeare into thin air. Him along with everything else wrong in the world.

Making his way to his seat, Schistad haphazardly nudges Ida a bit too hard, causing the table in front of her to dig into her stomach.
"Are you trying to kill her?!" Eva jumps from her seat to aid her friend, who was trying to catch her breath. out of all the people, he had to be the one to push her. What the hell, universe? She thought.
"Oh God, i'm so sorry" quickly he kneels down next to Ida.  Vilde tenses up and says"Ida's fine, don't worry Chris", but noone pays much attention.

"Ida.." He repeated, trying to remember if he knew her. But her face was so unfamiliar he started to wander if she was maybe new to Nissan. To her complete surprise, Chris put his hand gently over her knee, and looked carefully at her to see if she was alright.

"Yeah",cough,"it's fine" ,cough, "i'm-i'm fine", her eyes start watering from the coughing fit. Chris tilts his head in order to get a look at her face better, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips tightly pressed against eachother.
"I feel so bad right now" he stammered,
Why is he acting this way.. He should be rude to me. Does he even know..? Ida thought.
"Yeah, that's because you should." Eva said under her breath, then took Ida's hand and slowly started making her way to the bathroom, knowing damn well that she didn't want to be next to this guy. Ida cringed at the way Eva rudely told him off, and left him hanging. Not that she cared. She was upset each time she saw him, but she didn't exactly hate him.
Meanwhile,Christoffer was left still kneeling down, looking at their backs, his jaw in his hand.
"what you doing on your knees, Chris?" One of his friends says causing all of them to laugh, easily forgetting about what just happened. Chris tried to brush it off, or at least look like he did. But he would be thinking about the incident for the rest of that day.

"I'm okay, i was just caught off guard" Ida said to calm her friend, "thanks, by the way.. Everyone must think we're pretty weird now."
"Oh, ask me if i give a fuck. I just don't want you getting upset again. It's really hard to see you like that."
"I'm not that fragile Eva" she chuckled while rubbing her stomach. "Although, i will be left with a faint bruise probably. But do you think we went too hard on Chris? He was actually being polite i think."
Eva scoffed "I'd suggest you forget about it and continue avoiding him. You never know with that dude.."
Sometimes Ida questioned why her best friend had so much anger towards Chris. It couldn't all be because of Idas dad. Nobody can blame Chris for that, not even Ida herself. So she often thought about where that pent up rage originated from. She couldn't bring herself to just ask if the two of them had any history together. So she made her self ponder about it every now and again , never reaching any kind of conclusion.

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