Without even realizing it, Oikawa was already standing right in front of me. I felt his fingertips on my chin as he tilted my head up to look at him. "いいえ。飛雄ちゃんを考えすぎるは君だ、うっち (No. You're the one thinking of Tobio-chan too much, Ucchi)," he whispered. I did nothing but frown. I almost forgot that he's one of the people who knows. He was the one I'm always with in Kitagawa Daiichi. I knew Kageyama because of him. I strongly regret that.

"あれ?お嬢さん、バレーチームの人を知ってますか?(Oh? Miss, do you know anyone from the volleyball team?)"

I felt chills down my spine when I heard a sudden voice from behind me. As I turned my head, I found a boy's face, an inch away from mine. He looked young, but was probably older than me.

"な。。何してですか?(W-What are you doing..?)" I asked shyly, clearly blushing. He appeared right next to me out of nowhere. I'm not comfortable being this close to a guy.

He smiled and answered simply, "君を見てる (Looking at you)." I looked down and realized that he's wearing the club's jacket. Yabai— I've been found out. He probably read my mind, because of the small chuckle that escaped his mouth. "安心して、誰にも言わない。これは俺たちの秘密 (Don't worry, I won't tell. It'll be our secret.)" He raised his pinky.

Hesitantly, I raised mine as well. He locked them together and promised that he won't tell anybody.

"俺は及川徹です、君?(I'm Oikawa Tooru, you?)"

"内山夕暉です... (Uchiyama Sekki...)"

"宜しく!(Nice to meet you!)"

The smile on his face when we met got stuck in my head. He was like an older brother to me as time went by. We would hang out during lunch, before his club activities. During practice though, he steals glances of me and makes a face, teasing me that Kageyama Tobio was right next to him. Sometimes, we would walk home together. I almost thought of him as an older brother, until, I realized that he's not.

"俺は兄じゃない!(I am not your older brother!)" Oikawa yelled at me. His eyes were fuming with anger as his eyebrows furrowed. His hair was messier than usual, and I could almost see steam coming out of his ears. With his physique, I felt completely small and helpless being underneath him.

His hands gripped onto my wrists harshly and legs locked mine. I couldn't move. And I don't even want to imagine how angry he would be if I tried to look away.

When his breath finally started slowing down. I could spot tears forming in his eyes. Carefully, he loosened his hold and slowly dropped his body on top of mine. "御免。また叫ばもうない(I'm sorry. I won't yell at you again)." His hand moved to the back of my head before he started stroking my hair gently.

I forgave him, but I will definitely not forget what happened.

"辞めなさい、及川さん (Please stop it, Oikawa-san)," I said, not looking into his eyes. Instead, my sight dropped to his lips. His smirk disappeared as he bit on his lower lip. A classic move to get a girl, but for him, it's just his natural mannerism. In short, he's a natural playboy.

Oikawa let go of my chin and took a step away from me. This time, I can look at him without actually having to tilt my head up. "明日は烏野と蓮春試合が居るんだ。見る事が出来る (We're having a practice match with Karasuno tomorrow. You can watch...)" He turned his back on us and started walking away. But before he could get any farther, he stopped and turned his head back to us to add, "いつも通りだ (Like what you always do.)" The evil aura then vaporized away as it was replaced with a wholesome aura. "じゃあな!(Laters!)"He greeted with a smile and continued walking away.

"あのさ... (You know...)" Yui started as we continued walking as well. "及川さんは君の事が本当に好きだね?(Oikawa-san really likes you, doesn't he?)"

I suspected she was already looking at me. Slowly, I turned my head to her with a strong disapproving look, that I could almost see the darkness in my own eyes. "狂気の人か?(Are you crazy?)"

"可能性だろ!(It's a possibility!)"she defended.

I looked back to the front, no longer caring about her opinion. "無理だ。例えそれが起こったとしても、彼はただ気晴らしだよ (It's impossible. Even if that happens, he'll just be a distraction.)"

"そして影山さんはないの?(And Kageyama-san isn't?)"

Thus, my cheeks had flushed red again. "影山飛雄さんは此処いない (Kageyama Tobio isn't here.)"

"明日に此処に在るぞ (Tomorrow, he will be.)"

Tch. Now, I couldn't stop my heart from racing. He really is coming tomorrow. I felt excited and nervous at the same time. Will he still recognize me? Probably not. Probably yes! Damn, I can't wait to see him again.

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