high school Juan and Jake the new kids

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Juan point of view
I woke up to my brother Jake Paul waking me up to go to school I took a shower and put my stuff on

Juan point of viewI woke up to my brother Jake Paul waking me up to go to school I took a shower and put my stuff on

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With tip jeans
J=Juan ja=Jake t=Tessa er=Erika

j: Jake get ready we are going to be late 

ja: okay 

Jake wore this 

erika wore this 

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erika wore this 

tessa wore this 

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tessa wore this 

tessa wore this 

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erikas pov

me and tessa get to school and we go to are lockers and these two hot boys come in and we never seen them so they walked into the office and came out and went to there lockers

juan pov 

me and jake are at are last class and we are board 

j: Jake come on we got to go to football 

ja: okay 

we went and we bumped it this boy 

?: hey are you new 

j and ja: yes we are the pauls

j: i am Juan paul 

ja: and i am jake paul 


an: i am anthony trujillo 

ja: nice to meet you but me and juan need to go home by 

an: bye 

j: bye 

to anthony and tessa and erika 

er: hey anthony were you talking to the new kids 

an: yeah i did they are nice 

er: okay lets go home 

t and an: yeah lets go 

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