THE END (Author's Message)

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After re-reading my own story, "Love and Danger" I've realized that I will not build upon my story that I established. There may have been a lack of motivation to write the part two. But, I refuse to build on a story that I don't like to read, especially my own. The story I wrote was mediocre, personally. I know that some people say that your biggest critic is yourself, but in this scenario, that is the truth. I know some people actually enjoyed this story, and I am not going to lie, it was fun to write, and I appreciate those who took the time to read this story. The way I wrote the character of Spider-Man and Peter Parker, it didn't feel right. The character of Peter Parker is similar to every single one of us, who has responsibilities of his own. He is the 'Everyman' of the Marvel universe, that's why people like him. He is like one of us, and it is admirable. But the character of Spider-man is the hero that everyone should aspire to be, sure some people may not have spider powers, but you get what I mean. The idea of 'Spider-Man' is not a man, it is a symbol of being a hero. That's what makes him Spider-Man. I feel as if my story was lacking that. I know this was supposed to be for fun, but I want to read a good story, like the rest of you all. So I want to write a story that I like to read. I am working on new projects, which may get in the way to focusing on this story. This would mean no more part 2.

Also I would like to thank MckinnellFamilyTrio for taking the time to write some of the chapters.

I know the story may have an abrupt ending, don't worry. Here are the ideas we brainstormed for Part two. ENJOY!




-2 weeks pass and nothing is heard from Peter, he didn't go to school during that time

-Liz decided to give Peter space for those few weeks, so hasn't Older Pete, He knows how his younger self can be with Loss

-She realized how to control emotions and her mind, improving with a few weeks

-She spent time improving herself, improving her grades and improved her friendship with Older Pete

-He discovers how powerful she could be while training her, a slight misfire from liz caused some fire to hit him, which caused him and the symbiote to hiss from the pain in unison, the mask gaining a goopy venom maw for a few seconds before the pain dissipated.

-He was impressed with her progress and she's her potential as a hero

-But there was a un-familiar web-slinger already on the streets on the news, taking care of the crime for the meantime

-She thought the new vigilante patrolling was Older Pete, but he rejected

-She patrols for the first time ever, making rookie mistakes and all that, but with Older Pete by her side, looking afar

-Then Electro and Mysterio appear to receive an item

-Liz knew how powerful she was, and blocked a blast from hitting a group of kids

-But Electro overpowers her, until a dark costumed spidey appeared, stunning him for a moment

-She confronts him, thinking it was Peter, but that Spidey quickly denied

-Then a blast hits his back, hurting him momentarily until she unexpectedly blasted at electro with such force

-It left Electro damaged and forced to retreat, Mysterio gets the item and leaves

-They both mention how they saved each other, and hoped to meet again

-They both have a fun interaction and go their separate ways

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