(i.) WHAT IS "EARTH-42"?

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Why is Earth-42 so important? There are many reasons why! But first I must explain what it is.

Earth-42 is my own creation, it is a parallel of Earth-616 in which canon plotlines (and many other things that had been relevant to the MCU timeline) have been altered and changed to some extent. It is considered EXTREMELY important that my readers know about Earth-42 because all my marvel fanfictions will be taking place in it.

The gist of it is that I will be writing NOT CANON COMPLIANT works of marvel Fanfiction from now on. It has taken me a long while to come to this decision but I am finally content with taking this step.

There are many endless reasons why I'm doing this, but I'll touch on the main ones:

( One. ) It's been a year since endgame (as I'm writing this), and I am still upset at the ending it gave to some characters and the decisions that were made by them. I don't agree with those (and to each their own. I am not trying to bash anyone for why they liked or hated the movie, I am simply stating my opinion) choices and it's left a lot of things unanswered for the fandom. Whether those plot holes will ever be explained in later movies is up in the air, but that is the number one contender for why I am not writing canon. I cannot bring myself up to writing the ending that Steve Rogers was put into. After watching the movie I couldn't even bring myself up to writing any of my stories, and (also because of school and my hectic life) I took almost a year-long hiatus from Wattpad. I missed a lot on this app/site, and as soon as I got back to writing I could not type up a word or make a plot that had to do with canon (the only timeline I was interested in was the first Avengers movie - and no that did not change, but you'll see more on that later).

( Two. ) Marvel has continuously thrown their female characters under the bus (and I can somewhat understand why with some of them but it does not excuse that fact. And yeah, Jane Foster was hated by the fandom for many years so I get that she was taken out, Valkyrie was well received so she's still in the MCU but again, if this was a one-time occurrence perhaps I would have let it slide but we see this again and again. So, to me, it brings up the question: why aren't these female characters being well received by the audience?). I may be wrong in my speculation and I am open to debate about the topic, I admit that I still have much to learn and am not totally knowledgeable but I would like to have a polite discussion if you wish to convey your opinions on anything I say here. For the record: I love Jane Foster and Brunnhilde both, I do not condone pitting two females against each other like that.

( Three. ) Canon characters arc and portrayal! I very much prefer Comic!Hawkeye to the MCU version (it's my personal preference and so I wish to write him like that). I understand that some of the storylines of characters may change and that the comics are just a source material but I had wished that Hawkeye would have been deaf like he was in the comics. That was taken away from him, as was much of his personality from the source materials. If you watch the show Avengers Assemble, you can see a far more accurate portrayal of his character derived from the comics. This is just one example of what I mean.

( Four. ) Casting choices made. It's nothing new that the MCU has it's fair share of "problematic" celebrities (I used it in quotations because it is a coined term, but I also think it fits the bill). I do not want to support or make it seem that I condone any of the actions done by celebrities like Chris Pratt or Scarlett Johansson. In Earth-42, the canon characters will be cast differently. One example that I've mentioned before is that Wanda & Pietro will be written as their correct ethnicity (as they have been whitewashed in the MCU and I do not agree with the storyline given to them).

Again, there are many more reasons that I'm not listing but these are the four that pushed me to make this decision. I am no longer happy writing fanfics that have to do with canon marvel (and endgame was the final straw for me - please note that it was the final straw meaning that it was when I had enough). I believe that if I come up with my own canon universe, with my own version of Infinity War and Endgame (and the like) I will be more content with the writing I have done and will want to continue on with.

I know that this still leaves many questions unanswered, but I will be having a Q&A for this section of the Profile Guide where I will answer questions in the comments. Before that, though, there will be some chapters that explain and elaborate on many of the things I have mentioned here. A timeline will be added so that my readers can see how I have changed things from the MCU into Earth-42. Thank you for the support and love in this choice I've made, I hope that everyone who enjoys my fics will still stick around to see this project.

Any questions you have can be left on this chapter so I can address them in my frequently asked questions section!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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