Chapter Two

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He has been sitting near me for the past two days in the library. He doesn't talk to me nor does he ever glance up at me. I do the same thing. The nightmares that I have been having the past two days have become intense. They were all the same thing: Luke never coming back.

Although it was a reality, the fact that he actually doesn't accomplish his promise haunts me. I sigh and put my book down on the table. I had reached the ending of the novel. I had always hated the end of a story. Once a story ends, the lives of the characters end and it always makes me curious what the lives of the characters would be if the book was continued.

I would often ponder over it. The boy is now staring at me as I stare at the cover of the book. "What are you doing?" he asks. His voice was deep and raspy with a slight accent. He wasn't from around here. I decide to ignore him. "Aren't you going to answer me?" he asks. I continue to ignore the curious boy and I get up from my seat. I headed to the classical literature section and I grabbed a few books from the shelves.

"You know it's not polite to not answer," a voice says from behind me. I jump making me drop all of my books. They all fall on my feet making me feel agonizing pain. I stifle a scream and I glare at the boy. "My apologies," he says bending down to pick up my books which were scattered about on the floor.

He hands me the books and I snatch them. "Thanks," I mutter. "You're welcome," he says. I walk past him but I feel his cold hand on my shoulder stopping me. He turns me around and I look at him closely. He is wearing a blue button up shirt with black skinny jeans. "I'm sorry for making you drop your books," he says scratching the back of his neck. "I'm Collin," he says.

I stare at him for a moment. He awaits a response and I don't give him one. "What's your name?" Collin asks. "None of your business. Now excuse me," I say walking away. I had left him standing there unknown with my name. I don't even look back to see his reaction.

I simply get a few more books to bring home and I'm soon far away from what was once my favorite place until someone else came into the picture.


I walked into the massive school clutching my book sack tightly. I made my way through the large group of hormonal teenagers who were all occupied doing something for their entertainment. Everyone had someone to talk to except for me. I didn't mind it at all but I felt lonely at times.

During those times, I mostly thought about Luke. I open my locker and I pull out a couple of essentials for class. I slammed it shut and walked into my AP English Language Arts and Composition class clutching onto my books. I walk in and sit in the back of the class to prevent unwanted attention that is usually caught by sitting in front. I hold my pencil in my hand and I bite my lip as I await the arrival of the teacher. I look up at the date and see that it was the first of December.

I smiled. December always meant that we were off for winter break in a few more weeks. The teacher soon walked in with a grumpy look on his face. I wouldn't blame him. It was Monday after all. Then a boy ran into the classroom breathing heavily. "I see the new student has arrived and almost late," Mr. Williams, the teacher, says amused glancing up at the clock on the wall and back at the student.

I then noticed who the new student was. I drop my pencil on my desk and the student turns his head to look at me. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Williams asks. His eyes stay on me when he says two words.

"Collin Hemingway," he says. "Well, Mr. Hemingway, you can sit next to Miss Hollow in the back," he says gesturing to me. Collin's lips curl into an amused grin. I feel a lump in my throat. It seems like this guy can't leave me alone. He walks down the aisle slowly and then sits next to me.

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