"I developed them??"

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Areum went to kiss He Xinlong ?

When she kissed him, he started to blush and smiled at her . I saw all of it in my own eyes . I felt like I wanted to cry but I tried to hold them then . Some of the boys didn't see a thing but only Zihao and Zeyu saw. Chunhua, Jiayi and Daiyu stared at me in shocked too.

Daiyu: Y/N... are you okay?

They looked at me worried

Y/N: I'm fine . I need to go use the bathroom...

I walked out of the pool and went inside of the house . I went to the bathroom and I let my tears out.

Y/N's mind: Does he like her? Am I just a friend to him? Why am I feeling like this? Do I like him???

Thoughts were running through my head . I took a towel and I put on a shirt.  I ran into one of my siblings room crying .

I opened the door seeing that I went into my brother's room .

B/N: Bruh who opened my doo-

He had a worried look when he saw my red puffy eyes showing that I was crying.

B/N: Y/N? What happened?!!!

I ran to him and hugged him while he was patting my back .

B/N: What happens Y/N?! Did anyone mess with you?! Want me to beat the crap outta them?!!!

Y/N: No please d-d-dont *I said as I was crying*

We have been hugging for awhile . I was done crying and so my brother asked why was I crying .

B/N: What happened y/n-shi?

Y/N: I like someone.. I like him so much

Y/N: My friend freakin kissed him infront of me and he seemed to like it

B/N: It's okay Y/N . Maybe, you guys are not meant to be....

B/N: Ik being in love is crazy but if you love him.. u have to let him go. You will find someone else in the future and he will be even better than him .

Y/N: *I smiled* thanks brother .

I hugged him and I went to the bathroom to clean myself and take a shower .

Xinlong's POV:

(Back when Y/N and the girls was doing their dare)

I was drinking a bottle of water while sitting around the pool . I was talking with Zeyu and Zihao until someone came up to me . I saw Areum

Xinlong : Uh what do you wa-

Then.. she kissed me

After the kiss , I felt...like I liked it?! I liked the kiss?! I don't know! But it made me blush and smile . Do I like Areum?! NO , I can't . I like Y/N... but why does my heart feel like this?!! . I should of pushed her away . Y/N makes me feel the same way too! Am I liking two people?! Oh no...

After that I tried to see if Y/N was there. But she was nowhere to be seen. Zihao and Zeyu grabbed me and pulled me somewhere

Zeyu: DUDE , what's wrong?! Why did it look like you like her?!

Zihao: What about Y/N? Ik you guys are not dating yet but you guys seem like you both like eachother a lot

"You have to choose" He Xinlong FFWhere stories live. Discover now