Chapter 19-Party Time

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"What?" I asked, looking down at myself, grimacing when I saw how this dress made my breasts look bigger than they actually were. Ugh. I looked up at Jazz who was still staring. 

"Wow, you look HOT Sky." Jazz smirked. I rolled my eyes. 

"Well you do. Just saying." She said. 

"Yeah, well you can keep your thoughts to yourself." I said. 

"Yeah yeah yeah. Did you even see yourself when I left?" She asked. 

"Nope. And I don't care." I mumbled, and went to sit down on my bed. 

"Well you should. Come here." Jazz said, taking my hand and pulling me to the bathroom. 

"Aw c'mon Jazz. I don't wanna see how ter-"I stopped dead when I seen my reflection in the bathroom mirror. 

Wow. I looked...different. Not the Skylar who was eight years old, or the Skylar that's known pain and hurt for the last nine years but a Skylar who looked simply like a teenage girl. A hot one at that, and I don't mean to sound conceited or anything. It's just weird to know that this girl who was staring back at me, was the teenage girl I'd always dreamed I'd be. Just a regular normal high school teenager, worried about acne, or grades, or going to the coolest parties. This  was the girl who should have been living for all of those years. Not that...savage. 

I mentally shook myself form the unpleasant memories of my past and just focused on my reflection. My hair was in loose curls that fell to my shoulders, my make up-thanks to jasmine for respecting my wishes to keep my make up light-had a natural look. Light red eye shadow that brought out the light brown in my eyes, the black eyeliner and mascara was put on well. And my red lipstick. It all blended good together. Better than what I wold have imagined. The dress actually did make me look curvy in all the right places but I tried not to dwell on that thought. I just wanted to get this night over with, no matter how good I looked right now. I seriously never thought I'd look like this dressed up. Strange. 

I turned to Jasmine and offered her a kind smile. 

"Thanks Jazz. You did a great job." I said. 

"Damn right I did!" Jazz smiled. 

I shook my head, smiling. 

"So are you ready?" I asked. 

"Yeah, let's go. Your brother's coming with us. He said he might be drinking so I told him to just leave his car here and he can crash at Brady's."

Luke drinks? Well I guess that's what teenagers do now. Whatever. I'll just stick with water and punch. 

"Alright, let's go." I said. 

And we headed out of my room and down the stairs. Luke's door was shut so I'm assuming he's waiting for us. When we got down the stairs, we could hear my parents, Luke and Logan talking. We came into view and the talking stopped as they looked at us. My parents looked shocked and so did my brothers. 

"Well, you look...beautiful Skylar." My mom said smiling. 

"Thanks mom." I blushed a little. 

"Luke you ready?" Jasmine asked. 

"Yeah." Luke said as he got up. 

"Alright, we'll be back mom and dad. Or I might just crash at Jason's later." Luke said as we got closer to the door. 

"And what about Sky?" Dad said. 

Me and Luke looked at each other. We hadn't really thought out the whole crashing arrangements and Jasmine I'm pretty sure would be drinking. Jazz answered instead. 

"Oh she's good at my place." Jazz said. 


"Okay. You kids have fun. No alcohol either. And no sex without protection!" Mom called out. 

Oh God! 

"Okay bye mom." Luke shut the door. 

And soon we were on our way to Brady's party with Jasmine driving. The car ride was silent with the exception of the rock music playing, which I was kind of starting to like. We arrived at a huge house within a good ten-fifteen minutes. The big drive way was filled with cars and so was the whole block. Teens were outside already drinking and messing around. Were we late? There were a couple of people running around and laughing. Well this looks fun. 

Jazz finally found a park and we got out, looking out at the scenery in front us. Jazz walked around the car to stand at my left side and Luke was at my right. 

"So this is the party." I state, looking at a bunch of people drinking and laughing. Some throwing up and some even making out. Ew. 

"Oh you know, it's Brady's usual." Jazz said, smiling. 

She put her arm through mine. "C'mon." Jazz said excitedly. 

As we walked up to the big house, people were saying hi to us. Me. I just waved at whoever said hello. I barely knew these people, I mean some of them were recognizable. There were a few kids here that were in a few of my classes but that was it. Everyone else were strangers. 

"Hey, Luke's here!" Someone yelled. 

I looked at Luke. "Alright, I'll see you guys later. Jazz take care of my sister please."

"Always." Jazz promised. 

Luke kissed the top of my head. "Have fun sis. And let loose." Luke said, smiling. I smiled back ad watched him walk off to a group of guys who had shot glasses in their hands. I hope he'll be okay. 

"He'll be fine. Don't worry." Jazz said as we walked up the steps. I guess she saw the worried look on my face. 

"I guess." I mumbled. 

"Look, just have fun okay. Like your brother said. Please." Jazz smiled. 

"I'll try." I said. "But I'm not drinking." 

"Well that's better than nothing. Alright, lets get this party started." She said. 

We walked through the door and the music that was blaring out was now making me cover my ears. Jazz just laughed while I glared at her. She pulled my hands away and shook her head. Then she took my hand and made me follow behind her. We were passing people on our way to wherever and I swear I could feel a bunch of eyes staring at me as I walked through this huge house. Jasmine dragged me to the huge living room where a bunch of people were dancing, some dirtier than others. I stopped and pulled my arm back but Jasmine turned to look at me. 

"What's wrong?" She yelled over the music. 

"I'm not dancing." I yelled back. I haven't danced since our talent show in elementary. We made up a dance to Beyonce's song 'Crazy In Love'. What could I say? We were eight and crazy. 

"Yes you are." She yelled and pulled me. 

Before I knew it, we were in the middle of the dance floor and one second she was there and the next she wasn't. What the hell? I looked around and then after a minute of looking I felt someone grab my arm and turn me around. 

"Sorry. I had to ask the Dj to play something." Jasmine said with a secret smile. Her eyes were beaming. 

"What are you up you up to?" I asked cautiously, eyeing her. 

Before she answered, the song that was playing before morphed into a familiar song. My eyes widened as I looked at Jasmine's smiling face. 

"Oh no." I said, backing away. 

"Yes!" Jasmine said, gripping my wrist to keep me from leaving. 

"Party time!" She yelled! 

What have I gotten myself into! 

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