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I had this dream in 6th grade.

I was in a giant Pyramid and I was wearing a white gown. I had makeup on my face like the Pharaohs of old. Along with me were my sister and a boy I didn't recognize. There was a teacher. We were all dressed like ancient Egyptians. I somehow know I was in Egypt. Our task was simple for today. Train to be pharaoh. We flew and fought with magic. We learned about politics and how to get people to like you.

After this on teacher delivered grave news. Only one of us could be pharaoh. The others would be killed. I was known as the lazy one. The one with the worst grades. The most likely to not rule. I was determined to rule.

The day came and the boy was no where to be found. It was me and my sister was next to me. It was a race. Who could get the most items. The floor was lava and there was rocks as platforms. The arena was my house in real life. The time started. Me and my sister started. We got the items slowly. I jumped rock from rock trying to live. The timer stopped and we returned to the start. My sister had 10 items. I had 20. I won. I felt a overwhelming joy. As my first order as pharaoh I saved my sister. 

Then I woke up.I

I had this dream once. I played around with the thought of being pharaoh. I would have a royal court. The yugioh court from season 5 (Netflix please put season 5 back why did u delete it) then I made me into a character. Rose. I changed her to be different from me. I changed the court to my characters. I added plot. I'm working on writing it down. It's my other story Rose.

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