Chapter 2

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"So that's how much you hate heroes"Tomura said "Yes... I was going to be a hero but they held me back from going to U.A" "Listen if you can recruit more members for the league you can become a member....Deal?" "Deal"as Matā shook Tomura's hand he felt evil wash over him he grinned with hatred for heroes

A day later

Matā went to a dark part of Japan where he saw criminals on every corner of the street he encountered a fight going on in an apartment of people thst looked simular to eachother Matā went to the door of the fight and slid a sheet to join the league of villians and the location of where to meet he did this eight other times A masculine murderer,an eighteen year old psychopath,A burnt expressionless man,A sociopath of a Highschool student,a trans magnetic guy,a lizard of a man,an insane man with teeth skills,and a man with a huge marble collection .The next day He went back to the League's base seeing all of the people he recruited in costume "Well you've done mighty well... I guess I will let you become a member" "Hey thats the guy that gave me the sheet No its not" Matā whispers to Toga "Whats wrong with him?" "I dont know you let him be a member" "You got a point" "Well boss whats our mission"


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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