A Beautiful Friendship

Start from the beginning

"What the hell was that" I ask Jay as we exited the apartment. "Just like he said. I met him with Lindsay" Jay said. "I'm so made, man" Mouse said. "Relax. Mouse, I've got you on this" Jay said. "Okay, what's our next play here then" I ask. "I don't know yet" Jay said. "What do you mean you don't know yet" I ask. "I mean I don't know yet Yn. We'll figure something out though. I promise" Jay said.


"The kid here set up an appointment with Copeland Briggs" Al said to Voight. "Let me get this straight. You talked to a guy in order to talk to a guy" Voight asked. "Sarge, Copeland Briggs, he comes to you, not the other way around" Kevin said. "It's true. It was worth a trip" Al said. "All right, so what's Briggs going to give us" Voight asked. "Word I got is he provided a little off-the-book security to the construction site. Briggs will know who's involved in that robbery, for a fact" Kevin said. "What about Halstead's C.I." Voight asked me. "Snake eyes" I say. "It took you guys four hours to roll that" Voight asked. "It was a big runaround, boss. You know how it is" I say. "I guess I'm beginning to" Voight said.

A few minutes later, Antonio walked into the district with Nadia. "Hey Nadia. How have you been" I ask and give her a hug. "Good. It feels good to be sober" Nadia replied. While Nadia had been in a rehab clinic, I went and visited her a few times to keep her company. We've become pretty good friends since then.

"Well, I'll need a couple clean-cut white guys. Got any white guys around" Kevin asked. "I'm 1/16 cherokee. Does that disqualify me" Adam asked. "Nah, you're good" Kevin said. "What's the play" Voight asked. "The kid got a sit-down with Copeland Briggs, and we're going to run a game on him to see what he knows about the robbery" Al said. "Hit it" Voight said. "Have fun boys" I say.

When the boys came back, they had some good information. "Kevin 'Red' Radner. He's wanted in New York, Indiana, and Illinois for murder, armed robbery, and trafficking" Antonio said. "Drugs" I ask. "Girls. He beat a rape charge too" Antonio said. "We like him for pulling the strings on that construction-site robbery. He's in the wind, but he's had a lot of prior dealings with this guy, Charlie Pugliese. We have every reason to believe Pugliese was part of Red's crew. A tip from a C.I. came in, said Pugliese's planning on using the explosives stolen from that site to knock off this jewelry exchange on North Lawndale. We're moving out" Voight said. "Hey Sarge, I've actually got big plans for tonight, so can I sit this one out" I ask. "I guess so Ln, but you better be here bright and early tomorrow morning" Voight said.

That night, I showed up at the apartment, and Archie had the table set up with candles lit and a bottle of champagne out. "Hey. What's this" I ask. "Just something I wanted to do for you" Archie said and led me to my seat. Archie and I sat down, ate some dinner, and drank some champagne. It felt nice relaxing here with my boyfriend, and I didn't want tonight to end. Finally, when it was getting time to clean up and go to bed, Archie got out from his seat, pulled out a black, velvet box, and opened it to reveal a diamond ring.

"Yn, ever since we met back in Homicide, I knew you were the girl I was going to spend the rest of my life with. You have been by my side through everything, and even though we're not in the same unit anymore, we still find the time to be together. I love you more than I've loved anyone else. You are my whole world Yn, and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. So, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me" Archie asked. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I nodded, causing Archie to stand up and slip the ring onto my finger. After that, I pulled Archie towards me and kissed him passionately.

The next morning, I got to Intelligence and saw that everyone was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, meaning they had stayed here all night. "You guys look miserable" I say. "And you don't. What's up with that" Antonio asked. "Well, something amazing happened last night, and I still can't believe it" I say. "What happened" Adam asked me. I held up my hand and showed everyone the engagement ring that sat on my finger. For a second, I thought I saw sadness flash across Jay's face, but I ignored that as Antonio hugged me tightly. "I'm happy for you kiddo" he said.

"Back to the case though, have you ever heard of a place called BY" Adam asked me. "B.Y.? I've never heard of it before" I say. "Yeah, I don't think anyone has" Adam said. "Hey, you know, at my old job, sometimes we'd get called to this area behind the stockyards. Guys liked to park there because it was quiet at night. Back of the yards was B.Y." Nadia said. "Let's go" Voight said.


"It's pretty secure. Metal doors, boards on the windows. Pretty usual. This is definitely the place" Adam said. "Do you see anyone" I ask into my radio. "A guy just pulled in a van and put eyes on me" Adam replied. "Did he make you as police" Voight asked. "I can't tell" Adam said. "All right, keep eyes on the place" Voight said. Just then, I heard gunfire coming from nearby. "Yeah, I'd say I'm made" Adam said into the radio.

Everyone got out of their car just as the white van drove past. Erin and Jay followed after it while the rest of us stayed to deal with the shooter. The bust ended up going well, meaning after I did some paperwork, I could go home for the day. Paperwork didn't take as long as I expected, and after about an hour, I was done. "All right guys, I'm going to head out" I say. "All right Yn. I'll see you tomorrow. Tell Archie I said hi" Antonio said. "Will do. Goodnight everyone" I say.

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