Eredin x Reader | Bound

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"It's been sixty moons already..." You mumbled to yourself, followed by a heavy sigh. The worried expression on your face matched your mood perfectly. Usually, your (e/c) eyes where shining like bright diamonds in the sunlight, yet right now, Your eyes seemed dull, matte, almost empty.

Eredin Bréacc Glass, King of The Wild Hunt, had disappeared once more. Of course you had tried to find him, but did not succeed. With your ability to find and open portals you had travelled through many different worlds, even though the King had forbidden this, loud and clearly, more than once.

You sat in front of the throne, resting your head on the flat surface, buried in between your arms. The pain in your breast got unbearable, even more as you remembered how he had scolded you last time.

"I'm not going to argue with you, (Y/N)! You're going to stay in this palace until I return, have I made myself clear? I'm not gonna take you with me, so stop asking. In this war, you're useless. You'd only be a burden to my men."

Just by remembering his voice, a sharp pain went through your chest again, feeling a pinch in the inner corners of your eyes, as they soon started to fill with tears. Never had you told him about your feelings.

Eredin always acted as cold as the dusty stone ground you sat on. This love was lost, hopeless, onesided, probably forever, you thought. When would he return? Or would the right question be, would he even return?

A tear that rolled down your cheek dropped down onto the throne, seeming extremely loud in this absolute silence. Soon, you sobbed wiping your tears away with the long silk sleeves of your robe.

With another sigh you rolled your head back, making your (h/c) locks falling down your shoulderblades. For what felt like an eternity, you stared at the ceiling. The moonlight shone through the complex mosaic windows and fell right onto your face.

The pointy, elven ears of yours twitched as you heard heavy footsteps, recognizing the sound from the armor that Eredin's troops were wearing in battle.

As fast as you could you got up, dusting off your robe quickly. While you ran into the direction the steps where coming from. Following the sound you were heading outside, then you wiped your tears away again, not wanting Eredin to see your expression.

The knights of the Wild Hunt had returned to the courtyard through their portals. The glassy eyes of yours scanned through them, realizing that, to your shock, the King wasn't with them. For a second your entire body was frozen. It felt like your heart dropped into your stomach as you looked at Caranthir, waiting for an explanation.

With a sigh, the mage just shook his lowered head. "We couldn't do anything, (Y/N)... I'm sorry..."
Imlerith rolled his eyes, punching the other General into the ribs with his elbow.

"He's fine, calm down. Caranthir, (Y/N)'s  been probably bawling her eyes out due to Eredin's absence the entire time already, stop saying such bullshit."

Yeah, right, these two generals had always made fun of you since they had found out about your feelings for their king, saying that such feelings are simply unnecessary, but they knew that Eredin had a special connection to you.
"I-I did not! This isn't funny, just tell me where he is or I'll cast a curse on you that'll haunt you for the next thirty decades!"

A deep voice coming from your right side electrified every nerve in your entire body. In a loud volume, you heard the king saying "My my, since when do you lack manners like that?" Relief, shock, happiess but also sorrow mixed up in your sore heart as you turned towards the Aen Elle. To prevent yourself from crying, you swallowed the tears together with your emotions. Yet you rushed over to him and hugged his waist. The moment you threw yourself again his cold steel armor was rather unpleasant but all you cared about was that he had returned safely.

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