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I drive down the dirt road. The rocks and uneasy hills shake the car as I find my way to the spot.

I think back on how I got here. The will reading after the funeral and the key in the crimson box. The note had an address attached to it but closest the internet could pin down was this ancient New England town with 1,000 people. When I got there, no one knew about this place either. So I spent two days in the local library until finally finding directions to where I needed to go.

At this point, with all the trouble this place had put me through, I was just hoping that the land was good enough to sell to a farmer.

I get to the spot and, to my non-existent surprise, the place is empty. With not a single house in sight. I get out of the car and start heading up a small hill where the manor most likely sat on. Now it was just an open prairie surrounded by the amber colors of the oak trees.

As I reached the top, I saw something on the ground. An old metal trapdoor, surrounded by the decades old grass. As I looked down at it, three things stood out. A small handle welded onto the door, The year 1888 popping out of the metal, and an ancient lock with all its color rusted away with age and weather.

I lift the lock. With the old key, I put it in without a second of thought and turned it. The lock clicked and with a good pull, the lock popped out. Wrangelling it out, I grabbed the handle and opened the trapdoor. I looked down but no light dared to enter the hole. With my phone in hand, I turned on my flashlight and ventured downward.

Inside, stairs lead me down a stone hallway into what I could feel was a large room. A large empty room. The white light merely shined a few feet in front of me as I looked around the empty space.

I walked further into the catacombs until I found a second metal door. A door that was already open. I slowly tiptoed my way to the door. The fear rising inside me to what I may find. As I look in, the horror of the sight breaks me. As the skeletons lay dormant in front of me, I couldn't muster the bravery to scream or shout. All I could do was breath and quiver my lip. Their white skulls shined at me as in the null void, my voice finally broke the silence.

Skeletons ( Book Three of Hallow Fair)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें