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     Everyone in this world has their own story in life. Some people might be too normal. Some people are just special. My name is Louise, short for Lou. This is my story.


      ▪Year 2022,May 4,Wednesday,3:00pm▪

I was walking outside of my office. I adjusted my neckerchief and sighed.I was thinking about what I should do for the upcoming song I should produce. It was hard thinking of what I should write especially now that I couldn't think of anything! I walked towards the kitchen isle of the building hoping to get some cold water from the fridge. I took a glass and opened the fride, getting the container filled with cold water. I poured the cold water on the glass I took and started drinking it.

I looked at the window outside,looking at the nice weather. Maybe I could get ideas outside? This boring place would only give me small ideas. I ran to my office, getting my stuff and combed my hair.
I ran out and headed outside the building, thinking of visiting a friend of mine named Ox. When I got outside the building I saw my  bodyguard and my driver waiting beside my car. Truth to be told, I don't need bodyguards,I wasn't really that popular but everywhere I go I sometimes get crowded with fans, I was just starting my career.
         "I could do it on my own,you guys could take the day off." I told the bodyguards but the bodyguards stood there still. Lando,my bodyguard who had olive eyes,brunette curly hair and glasses,opened the door with his tan right hand shaded-skin.
         "Sir, It's our utmost priority to guard and look after you. You know the big boss hired us to guard you, what if something bad happened to you?" Lando said, with a tone of concern in his voice.
          "I can protect myself,Lando." I said, trying to convince them.

          "Sir, I-I can't leave you alone there. It's my job." He said,looking at me, his hand still on the handle of the door. Still waiting for me to get inside.
            "Fine, you guys could guard me, though once I get to Ox's place, you guys could get to take a day off. "I said,allowing them to guard me with a condition.
Lando crossed his arms though he nodded soon after. I went inside the car and he closed the door. He walked towards the front seat and sat on the passenger seat. My driver,named Dan, sat on the drivers seat and drove the car to Ox's place.

   When I arrived at Ox's place. Dan stopped the car and Lando immediately ran towards my door to open it. I glared at him but he smiled cheekily in return. I walked out of my car and headed towards the door. I looked at them both and waved my hands, telling them to go now.
Lando sighed, going inside the car. I saw him open the window.
         "Mr. Lou, Is it okay if Dan drives me home? He's going to come back though." Lando said, his glasses getting quite foggy.
I rised my left hand, giving him a thumbs up as he smiled sheepishly and slid the window up to close it.
I chuckled, finally I have my time to myself and Ox. I get to have fun without that bodyguard of mine.

I rang the door bell of Ox's unsymmetrical house and waited outside of the door. Sooner the door opened and I saw Ox's face. His bunny ears perked up and he opened his arms.
         "Lou, how nice to see you." Ox hugged me as I looked at his eyepatch.
         "Nice to see you too, sorry for not visiting much often, I've been busy."  I said, hugging him back.
         "It's fine Lou, I know you've been busy because of the recent concerts you did. It's fine." Ox said, patting my back as he hold my hand and dragged me inside the house. I just followed and then we both sat on the couch.
       "So,what are you doing here?" Ox asked me.
       "I couldn't think of any inspiration to make a new song. I came here to ask for help." I said, quite embarrassed to say that.
He looked at me as he placed his finger up and gave me a smile.
         "It's fine, I'll help you." Ox said,making me smile. It's a good thing that I had a friend with me when I need help. Good thing he forgave me when I did those things that I shouldn't have done.
I ruffled his green short hair, careful to not touch his bunny ears.

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