Chapter 4 "The Bird Files"

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As Lord Billish drove in his shiny car, he saw a bird in the middle of the road. He slowed down as he didn't want to hit the bird and be sued by its family.

"Little bird, why are you on the road?" He asked, not expecting a response.

"My wings don't listen to me. Now I cannot fly, forcing me to walk." It responded in an accent, the accent of birds. (Birbish)

"Why don't you come with me? I was going to my mother's house and she may be able to give your wings a stern talking to for not listening." The little bird smiled as much as a bird could. It waddled over to Lord Billish's car. He picked the bird up carefully and set it in the seat beside him, putting him in his high-quality bird belt. The bird did not say another word as they drove to the House of Mother.

"Son?" A voice from inside the large house asked as they drove closer. Lord Billish almost began to glow. He was happy to see his mother open the door as he drove up and parked. Mother and son were soon embracing each other in a tight hug.

The bird was watching all of this happen while still in the car. Kindly waiting for his 'turn' with mother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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