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brownee had always wanted to be a danser. every night he would pray to the brownee gods for legs, but to no avail. but one day brownee wok up to a idea. he would make his own legs. brownee jumped out of bed (except he didnt really jump cuz he had no legs) and made his way to the kitchen. "hai brownee" said his mother. "im gonna make some legs so i can be a danser' said brownee. "ok" said the mom. so brownee set of on his adventure to get legs. "now how do i mak legs?" ask the brownee. "i no!" he yeled. "ill mak it of pensils!" the brownee was so hapy that he sliterd faster than ushual to the pensil plase.

when he arivd at the pensil plase he wondrd how he wud put the pensils on. but first he had to find the purfet pensil. he serched arond for a pensil, but then he ran into a pensil gardien. "stop!" he yelld. these pensils dont belong to you! "but i must have sum!" brownee was sad. how wud he get the pensils now? "i duno" said the pensil gardien. the brownee was so sad that he crid. the tear slid don his fase. the pensil gardien was so sad that he blowed up! the pensil gardien was defeted! "horay!" yeled brownee.

next he had to find the purfcect pensil. he loked and loked and loked but he cudnt find a purfict dansing pensil. finly he fund the purfict pensil. it wus so amasng thet the brownee shed tear. he tuk them and slided out of ther. tem he askd a snickerdoodle for some tape for the pensils. "ok" said the snickerdoodle. "yay!" said brownee. he cud finly wak.

wen he got hom he told his mom that he cud finlaly pe a danser. "but brownee" said the mom "hu will teech you to danse?" the brownee was so sed cuz he ralised that he cudnt danse cuz ther was no brownee that cud ddanse. he was so sed that he burt in to flams. no!" yeld the mom! she was so sed that she burst in to flams as well. den the father wake in and se the to ded brownees. he very sad and he cri. the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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