I even thought at a point that I had gone crazy. I thought that the man that I learnt to love and who drove me crazy, and that I saw every night in my dreams was only a hallucination. I thought that it was all in my mind, but now here, with this baby girl in my arms, I knew nothing that I had lived through was a hallucination. It all was real and I am not crazy.

I took out the blanket from my purse. I used my knife to cut the band that I had in my hair to use it as a string to tie off the umbilical cord so that we didn't bleed to death, using all the skills that I have learnt whilst being in nursing school and having a gynaecologist for a father. I bundled the baby inside of the spare blanket that I would've used to hide it inside of before I buried it, and I held it close. I got up and I saw the horrific sight of blood splattered everywhere.

My legs felt weak and I felt horrible and dizzy. I limped out of the shabby factory with all the energy that I had left and eventually reached my truck. I got in and drove to the nearest diner where I asked them if they could warm up some milk and a glass of water for me, and I fed the baby – still not taking my eyes off of her. They all stared at me and I could hear them whisper to each other as I passed by, but that was probably because I was covered in blood and I looked bizarre. Most of them probably thought that I stole the baby, but I couldn't care less. This was my responsibility now and I wasn't going to let anything harm this baby girl because she was mine.

I got back to my small apartment. When I stepped inside I saw that it was a mess, and definitely not a place for a baby to live in. What did I expect? I didn't actually plan on having this baby for I planned to kill it, but life chose for me – no, she chose for me. I went to the sink and I washed the baby off. She was quiet and I think that was because she was just as tired and emotionally drained as I was. I remembered moving here just after I escaped the Topeka State Hospital. I couldn't take it there anymore, and they would've taken this baby girl away from me as soon as I gave birth because I was 'mentally unsuitable to raise a child'. I couldn't remember much from what happened tonight, but I knew that I was exhausted as hell. As I cradled the baby in my arms while in bed, I knew that I would never forget this day, and that I would never let anything harm my child.

This day was the first day that I actually knew how true love felt.

A few weeks passed since the birth, and one day when I returned home from nursing school I heard nothing but an awful silence, and I knew something was wrong because the babysitter would've come to greet me by the door by now. I ran to the baby's room and I saw the babysitter, lying down on the floor in a pool of her own blood. I gasped and when I looked at the crib I saw a man standing at the side of the crib. He had my baby in his arms, and he was caressing her. I took a step closer and out of nowhere two men grabbed me from the sides and held me back as soon as I tried to lunge towards him. I tried to shake myself out of their grips but they were too strong.

"She's such a beautiful child." The man said in an alluring voice. He brushed his long fingers across the baby's forehead and for some reason I could feel myself cringe on the inside. Chills ran down my spine and the room felt cold and the energy was dark.

"You leave her alone. If you harm a hair on her body I swear I will hunt you down and tear you apart limb from limb, and don't think that I am joking." I gritted through my teeth. He turned around and he gave me a wicked smile. I jerked around and tried to get out of the men that held me back grips, but they didn't even flinch. He made a tut-tut sound with his mouth and he wagged his finger at me.

"I'm glad you still recognise me after all that time in the looney-bin. I heard that they didn't treat you that well, what a shame that is. On a brighter note, we did have a lovely time together before everything spiralled out of control. You can't deny it." He said in a sly voice. "Don't worry, I won't take the child now, but someday I will come and claim this child for her true destiny." He put the baby back into the crib and faced me. I felt relieved that the child wasn't in his arms anymore, but I wanted to kill him even more because I felt so much anger inside of me, but at the same time I was terrified of what he was going to do not only to me, but also to the baby. I should've killed him when I had the chance. "I must say I would've been very hurt if you did not recognise me."

"How could I forget? You did put me through hell." I snapped at him and he let out a loud hollow laugh that echoed in my ears. "Now you listen to me . . . you will not hurt my baby!"

"Be quiet woman! The child is trying to sleep. Didn't you know that it's a bit rude to be so loud?" He ordered and I kept quiet without any questions followed. I was terrified that if I said something he would hurt not only me, but that he would try and take the baby away from me. "If I want to take this child I will and if you try and stop me again I will send you to everlasting torture, and I hate torturing people. It really messes up my day." He said casually and I gulped.

"You messed up my life. . ." I gritted through my teeth from anger and he rolled his eyes at me, as if I was dramatizing everything.

"Me - me – me . . . the whole bloody time. Even though I could kill this child right now you still only care for your own wellbeing. You disgust me you self-obsessed girl." He said in disgust and he turned away from me and back to the baby – observing it with plenty of intrigue in his eyes.

I saw my chance and shook myself loose from the goons' grips, and I placed both my hands on the two men at my side's faces, letting out all my energy and before they could do anything they turned into ashes. I leaped forward and tried to attack him from behind but he sensed it coming and with one quick reflex he threw me against the wall. I fell down and I hit my head hard against the corner of the table, and with one last sight of his wicked smile, I passed out.

Side Note:

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