Seriously, I loved being ignored. Natasha electrocutes Clint and she runs towards the cliff. Clint gets up and shoots an explosive arrow knocking her down. Clint then runs towards the cliff and jumps. Natasha jumps after him and hooks him up to a grappling hook. I looked downward to see them both. I flew down to their level and reached Natasha and pulled them up the cliff.

"What the hell did you just do?" Clint asked.

"Do me a favour." I said.

"What?" Both of them asked.

"You both deserve to live more years. I've lived more years than a normal living thing has. I had made more mistakes than the two of you made." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Nat asked.

I froze their feet and arms temporarily.

"Tell Dad that I forgive him. Sorry. And I love him." I said.

I smile one last time before letting myselr fall.


I heard both of their faint yells before my body landed on the ground with a loud thud.

This is not my time you peasants!!!

After resurrecting, they're were no signs of Clint and Nat. I flew up to see nothing. I quickly teleported back to the compound. There's no one. I turned myself invisible in case there were villains. I walked towards the lake to see all of them mourning. I was gonna turn myself visible but Steve spoke.

"What the hell happened?" Steve has a cracked voice.

"She froze our feets and just jumped." Clint cried.

"She said she forgive you. She said she is sorry. And she love you." Nat said with a tear sliding down her cheek.

"She knew this would happen." Tony said.

"She's not coming back." Bruce cried.

"I still haven't introduced her to my brother." Thor cried.

"She will never go back." Dad cried.

I turned myself visible without them noticing.

"Haven't you guys figured out that that girl is immortal?" I asked.

They were all startled and looked at me. Thor was the first one to get up and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Little God." He smiled.

Next one was Bruce. He gave me a smile and Clint stood there and hugged me.

"You little shit." He groaned.

I laughed. Nat pushed Clint off me and hugged me.

"How the hell did you go back?" She asked.

"Time space GPS that managed to survive adter the fall." I said.

Tony  then engulfed me with a big bear hug.

"Godfather!" I squealed.

"You sneaky little shit." He said.

Dad looked at me before hugging almost out of existence.

"Love you too daughter." He said and kissed my hair.

"Enough with the hugs. Let's get the party starting." Rocket called out.

I nodded to them to go inside while I just get some air.

M.I.R will continue. I will get you all back. I will.

I looked around and sat on the wooden floor. Pietro, Peter, and others will get back. I know so. I went inside and waited with the others.

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