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"Yeah, we looked all over for you too." Hermione said.

Harry and Hazel poured out all the story, from the map to the conversation they heard in Quirell's office.


"He knows something about the Marauders, both me and Harry know their names, if he is one of them, he knows why we know them."

"We will go tonight."

"Everyone will be gone by this afternoon. That's why they are taking action tonight on whatever they are planning" Hermione told them.

"What's this afternoon?" Hazel looked confused.

"It's Christmas eve tonight, everyone who hasn't gone home will go."

"You guys won't go?" Harry asked.

"No, I wanted to stay with you two." Hermione beamed.

"My mum and Dad are going to Egypt, to visit my brother, Bill." Ron said," do you want to go to get something to eat, I am hungry."

The Potter Twins, Ron and Hermione walked to the great hall.

"Look, Harry, Hedwig," Hazel was looking at the beautiful bird that soared in with many others.

"That's curious." Ron said." There is no one else here, we came late, so why so many owls."

The owls came with packages from Hagrid, Mrs. Weasley and an unknown package from the twins.

"Mom sent me a jumper." Ron said, his mouth full of food." She sent one for the two of you too."

Hazel opened the package, it was two jumpers, one was red and one was blue, she smiled. Also, it had a huge box of treacle tarts. Hazel's eyes started water. She tried to wiped them off from the back of our hand.

"Hazey... What happened?" Harry put his arm around her. She wasn't weak. Looking at the presents made her feel that Harry and she had no one.

"Nothing, it's nothing." She left as fast as she could. She didn't want any one to see her cry like a baby. She was a little proud. But she knew Harry of all people would come after her. He could comfort her. She ran past the Great hall, running up the stairs to go to the common room.

"Ouch." She bumped into someone, she blinked, the tears in her eyes blurred her view. Professor Snape came into focus.

"I am sorry, Professor, it was a mistake, I was going..." Hazel couldn't complete her sentence as she looked at him and remembered all the times when he looked at her coldly. She couldn't deal with that now.

But she was wrong.

"Lily, what happened?" Snape's voice was missing the sneer it had usually.

"I AM NOT LILY." Hearing her mother's name made her even more sad.

The tears were now rolling down her face one after the other.

"Of course, you are not." The sneer came back as Harry came after her. "You are as obnoxious as your father."

"My father..." Hazel couldn't take it anymore as much as she tried to hold it in. She ran.

Before Harry run after her, Snape told him to go to professor his office for his detention now.


"Yes, detention, unless you want it with me"

"But why?"

"Talking back to me? The breakfast hour was over already, you were supposed to be in the common room"

But... but"

" You better go, unless you want me to send your sister too"

Harry was was no reason for a detention. Snape stood there for a few minutes. If it weren't for Harry, he would have comforted Hazel but looking at Harry reminded him how much he detested James. He followed Harry to his office.

Ron and Hermione heard Harry and Snape, They waited for him to be gone. Hazel needed them at the moment.

"Hazel, ..." Ron was lost for words. He had a sister but they weren't very close.

She was sitting in the common room, Ron came closer to her, he sat on the arm of the chair.

"Hazel, don't cry, Hazel, you are thinking you are alone, aren't you ?"

Hermione was clearly better at emotions then Ron.

"But you have us." Ron told her. "You have all of us, me, Hermione, and you get along better with Fred and George better then i ever did, and we will always be there for you,"

Ron wrapped his arms around her. Hermione smiled

"You know, Ron you are the other brother, i never had." Hazel said.

"I am so glad."

"We brought your other package," Hermione handed her a brown box.


Hazel opened it, it was a cloak,

"An invisibility cloak" Ron gasped.

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